Browse Items (1884 total)

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue (this is the second page). I knew I was recording history,…

I'm a copy editor and page designer at the Bristol (Va.) Herald Courier and I had the responsibility of putting together two full pages dedicated to Virginia Tech for the April 17 issue. I knew I was recording history, but after looking at so…

A home-made armband I made for Orange and Maroon Effect (April 20, 2007)

If you don't know what Facebook is, you've probably heard of it, especially if you have children in high school or college. It's one of those social networking sites that parents, lawmakers and educators discuss when they're concerned…

Media reports portray Cho Seung-hui as a troubled boy with a murderous imagination

Michelle Pauli
Wednesday April 18, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Just one face stares out of the front pages of the papers today. With the naming of…

The post title isn't an exact quote (because it would've been damn hard taking notes while trying to hold a lit candle (and, more importantly, given the windy conditions this evening, keeping it lit) from the remarks of NIU President John G.…

Full Report (PDF) - 463 KB
June 13, 2007

"We reflect on what has been lost and comfort those enduring a profound grief. And somehow we know that a brighter morning will come. We know this because together Americans have overcome many evils and…

JMU ISAT Libary Hokie Pride.jpg
Those working on the new ISAT library at JMU spray painted "Hokie Hope" in day-glow orange on the wall of the building for all driving on I81 to see.

By Michael Juel-Larsen
Princetonian Senior Writer

Though Monday's shootings at Virginia Tech had already cast a shadow over campus, the news yesterday morning that the gunman's older sister is a recent Princeton alumna brought the…

April 19, 2007


Thanks for the various thoughtful comments, thoughtful commenters - I'm sure you know who you are.

First off, I do acknowledge that I was a little snarky and "aha!" in the initial reaction to things, and I agree…

April 18, 2007

[Update: I stand by my piece, which is mostly a bunch of questions, rather than statements linking race and culture in the explanative way it is being taken. I merely pointed out that as an American working deeply in the education…

Friday, April 27, 2007

Early Monday morning Toronto, April 16; very nice day, it's spring at last - you can feel it in the air - maybe the oxygen levels are up a little - there's a craziness in the air, a frenetic kind of feeling...


Shootings stun campus

By: Michael Hippchen

(11:50 a.m., April 16) While this morning's shootings on Virginia Tech's campus may have come to an end, with one shooter apparently have been captured, things are far from returning to…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Since releasing the excerpts from the package sent by Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui, NBC News has received more than just a little criticism. Indeed, this story is so big that every little nuance... anything remotely…

Monday, April 16, 2007

Thirty-one... now 32 killed at Virginia Tech. Initial "breaking news" headlines emailed and forwarded to my BlackBerry from the New York Times, then the Washington Post and finally the Sacramento Bee reported the number dead…

Its seems very unfair to be caught in something as sad as what happened April 16th. Its a sad world though it seems and most people are to caught up in their own lives to take notice. Think of all the accomplishments that will not be made to society…

April, 2007

Dear Virginia Tech community,

Feeling that we truly are brothers and sisters to all of you, please know that our prayers are constantly with you as is our great sympathy.

The very difficult time you are going through is hard…

By Messenger Post and wire reports
Posted: Apr 18, 01:00 PM EDT

On a campus proud of its unity, the gunman's anger and detachment alarmed those around him.

While parents of a 2004 Irondequoit High School graduate learned their son escaped…
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