Browse Items (1884 total)

ND looks into cell phone text messaging to alert students of emergencies

Kaitlynn Riely, Aaron Steiner and Ken Fowler

Issue date: 4/19/07 Section: News

Notre Dame has procedures in place to respond to major incidents and crises, but the…

Jenkins e-mail explains University security

Ken Fowler

Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: News

Though Notre Dame created a task force in 2006 to review crisis plans, the deaths of 33 people at Virginia Tech Monday "will spur even greater review…

Gary Caruso
Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: Viewpoint

Rarely does a year's numerical arrangement offer a cute correlation to an icon like the parallel this year between the Class of '007 with the fictional international spy James Bond. But…

Letter to the Editor
Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: Viewpoint

This past Monday, people across the country were glued to their television screens, witnessing the chaos that ensued as the result of the violence carried out on the Virginia Tech…

Students ask question, "Could it happen here?"

John Tierney

Issue date: 2/15/08 Section: News

Notre Dame students expressed sadness and shock Thursday night at yesterday's shooting at Northern Illinois. The tragedy, in which at least six…

Committees establish 2007-08 agendas

Kaitlynn Riely

Issue date: 4/26/07 Section: News

In other Senate news:

Last week, the student government provided posters for students, faculty and staff to sign messages of condolence for the…

Staff Editorial
Issue date: 4/20/07 Section: Viewpoint

There are still plenty of questions surrounding what happened Monday at Virginia Tech.

But one thing that isn't up for discussion is that Notre Dame should have a plan in case the…

Saint Mary's reviews security protocols, does not anticipate changes changes

Katie Kohler

Issue date: 4/19/07 Section: News

Saint Mary's students may feel safe on their quiet residential Indiana campus, but until Monday, students in…

Group offers condolences, solidarity; discusses candlelight memorial service

Kaitlynn Riely

Issue date: 4/19/07 Section: News

At their first meeting following the shooting deaths of 32 students and faculty members at Virginia Tech, the…

Sonia Rao
Issue date: 4/18/07 Section: News

In light of the Virginia Tech shooting tragedy Monday, student body president Liz Brown asked members of the Council of Representatives (COR) for input Tuesday on how the Notre Dame student body could…

Students, community members fill Basilica

John Tierney

Issue date: 4/18/07 Section: News

Only a week after Easter, the Notre Dame community once again "finds [itself] at the foot of the Cross," said Father Pete McCormick during his homily at…

ND students directly affected by shootings through ties to VT

Aaron Steiner

Issue date: 4/17/07 Section: News

Virginia Tech is more than 500 miles from Notre Dame, but the effects of what reports call the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S.…

Attendees at Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

Original Source:

View of candlelight vigil for NIU on Virginia Tech's Alumni Mall.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Virginia Tech's candlelight vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendees hold candles at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Attendees hold candles at Virginia Tech's vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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Virginia Tech's President Steger holds a candle at vigil for NIU.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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View of candlelight vigil for NIU under Torgerson Bridge at Virginia Tech.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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