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Photo by: Jessica Lum

Students and university employees joined together last night in De Neve Plaza in remembrance of victims at Virginia Tech.

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British Columbia.jpg
Display in our Student Union Building at The University of British Columbia.

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A sermon given on the Virginia Tech campus two weeks after the shootings.

Philip Yancey | posted 6/06/2007 05:31PM

We gather here still trying to make sense of what happened in Blacksburg, still trying to process the unprocessable. We come…

Campus life after the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

Philip Yancey | posted 6/06/2007 08:01AM

"April is the cruellest month." When T. S. Eliot penned that opening line to "The Waste Land" in 1921, he had no idea how it would resound in modern…

By Philip Grant

Dear Chancellor Drake,

My most heartfelt sympathies are also with those affected by the terrible events of last week at Virginia Tech.

I write to you nonetheless not merely to share my sympathies with you,…

Virginia Tech's vigilant professor of English is a true leader

Philip French
Sunday April 22, 2007
The Observer

The following correction was printed in the Observer's For the record column, Sunday April 29 2007

In the article…

By Philip Caruso

The Department of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Milwaukee Police Department and other government emergency agencies, has an emergency plan and training in the event a major security issue should occur.

MPD is training…

18 April, 2007

I was doing a bit of wandering in Second Life today, and came across a rather well-done memorial to the Virginia Tech tragedy in an area that's academically focused (it's staffed 50+ hours per week by volunteer reference…

By Peter Reuell/Daily News staff
The MetroWest Daily News
Posted Apr 16, 2008 @ 12:35 AM


A year after the shooting massacre that left 33 people dead at Virginia Tech, security remains a concern on local college campuses.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English at Virginia Tech, has completed his transformation from Clark Kent to, well, Rambo. Having killed and maimed over thirty people, in a calculated and merciless way,…

(This message was distributed to all faculty, staff and students April 27, 2007.)

In the days following the Virginia Tech tragedy, our solidarity with and sympathy for the faculty, staff, students and families affected by the loss of lives on…

April 19, 2007

The amount of coverage has been staggering--dozens of stories per day in the top national newspapers, nightly broadcast news programs that are lengthened by half an hour, 24-hour repetitions of the same information on cable news,…

Por Peruanista
April 18, 2007

Esta tarde estuve leyendo la historia de Daniel Pérez Cueva, publicada en un diario local. Sentado en el tren de regreso a casa, no pude evitar conmoverme hasta casi llorar. La historia de este compatriota me…

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Creado por Periodista Digital

El asesinato de 32 personas por un estudiante desequilibrado el pasado mes de abril en la Universidad Politécnica de Virginia, en Estados Unidos, ha propiciado que por primera vez en 10 años el sacrosanto…

Many Americans have once again been plunged into terror since a gunman massacred 32 people at Virginia Tech in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern US history, and a string of endless media reports, the gunman's cruel, merciless confessions…

A Chinese woman assistant professor, or rather a doctoral student at the college of engineering at Virginia Tech, has shed a light onto the campus shooting rampage on April 16, which claimed a toll of 33 lives (including that of the gunman himself).…

Sometimes I can be really eloquent. Giving a toast at a wedding, a briefing at work; I can really hit the post. I've been wanting to write about how I feel here for two days. But I haven't, stopped by disbelief, the taxes I couldn't bring…

Norris Hall. IIjpg.jpg
Items are laid outside of Norris Hall in remembrance.

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War Memorial.jpg
Flowers are laid at the War Memorial Chapel to mourn the victims.

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Texas Tech.jpg
Students from the law school at Texas Tech University sent a signed message board to Virginia Tech to express their support and condolences.

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