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Jeff Vrabel / GateHouse Media
Thu Apr 19, 2007, 05:01 PM CDT

BLACKSBURG, VA - Regular readers of this column - and hello to all three of you - know that, when appropriate, partially appropriate, tangentially connected or carries the very slight…

April 24, 2007
It was pointed out to me the other night that I'm a living, breathing embodiment of the stereotypical quiet Asian.
I was among a few friends and some friends of friends in the bar at AT&T Park prior to a San Francisco Giants…

Posted: 4/23/07
Last week was one of tragedy as schools and universities across the United States faced the terror of threats of bombs and shootings on their campuses.

The events of April 16 have brought the issues of gun control, freedom,…

UC Davis to hold candlelight vigils to honor victims
By: Talia Kennedy
Posted: 4/20/07

The gunman who shot and killed 32 students at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University on Monday was identified this week as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a…

Artist's Comments

I am a Virginia Tech student. I was affected by the tragedy in ways that I hope no one else experiences. In honor of the victims and as a way to express myself, I created this remembrance image in 3D Studio Max and…

In honor of Virgina Tech University, Niagara Falls lit both the American Falls and Canadian Horseshoe Falls on 4-22-07 with their school colors of orange and burgandy, in remembrance of those who lost their lives. This was a joint effort on both the…

April 18th, 2007
As the words continue to flow along with the tears after the deaths at Virginia Tech, one important observation rises above the ruins: the incident represented a triumph for what the pundits term the New Media over the Old. The keys…

Artist's Comments

Reconstitution based on accounts of survivors of the Virginia Tech College shooting rampage, where 32 people were massacred by a gunman.

(SECOND UPDATE - April 18)

More accurate depiction based on photos taken by the…

Ewen MacAskill in Blacksburg
Tuesday April 17, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Alec Calhoun, an engineering student at Virginia Tech, described today an individual act of bravery by one of his professors that saved his life.
Mr Calhoun, 20, had been…

Issue Date:Friday September 7, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section
By Kellen Henry, Staff Writer

Many students gathered for candlelight vigils and wore ribbons in support of Virginia Tech after the April 16 shooting. While most students did…

Experts in fields of security, law and mental health comprise panel; victims' families voice reactions

Daniel Colbert, Cavalier Daily Senior Writer

Thursday, April 19, while the nation was still coming to grips with the tragedy that had…

Sign by Branch & Associates, Inc. on a building being constructed on Virginia Tech's Blacksburg campus. Photo taken by Thomas Upton on April 24, 2007.

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I'm not sure the memorials will still be on the drill field when we get back from Missouri, so Mara and I went over to see them one last time afternoon in case the aren't there when we get back.

Orginial Source:…

Publicado por markapazos - Un punto de encuentro.

In Memory of the lives that were lost in this senseless tragedy Our hearts go out to the fallen and the injured. Our prayers are with the family and friends of the victims.

I want to share with…


Second Life.jpg
Second Life Memorial to the slain at Virginia Tech.

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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 2.0

18 April, 2007

I was doing a bit of wandering in Second Life today, and came across a rather well-done memorial to the Virginia Tech tragedy in an area that's academically focused (it's staffed 50+ hours per week by volunteer reference…

William and Mary II.jpg
A banner hangs on a bridge at William and Mary.

Orginia Source

Photo Courtesy of Tom MacWright

Sometimes I'm just amazed at the ignorance of people. I've come across many blog entries that are outright idiotic but usually chalk it up to 'that's where they're coming from' or 'everyone's entitled to their…

Media II.jpg
Major media outlets ranging from business publications to political magazines cover the Virginia Tech tragedy.

Original source:

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike…

Friday, April 20, 2007 - The China Post

A total of 32 people were killed Monday in a Virginia Tech campus building in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history. The gunman, a student from South Korea, took down his victims in two…
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