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By: Cyndi Waite / Junior film studies major
Posted: 4/23/07
Guns kill people. People kill people. Guns help people kill people.

It's an inevitable truth that firearms in the wrong hands lead to the deaths of innocent people. As a nation, as…

Penn State Game II.jpg
Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Penn State Blue & White football game. What an experience to be blessed with after this terrible week's happenings. It was truly inspiring to see the support for Virginia Tech. Everywhere I looked,…

Cadet Matthew LaPorte was laid to rest in Blacksburg. The Corps of Cadets marched to the cemetery to pay their respects.

Written by Al Shoemaker
In memory of those who died at Virginia Tech, May they always be with us

This poem is dedicated to all that were lost,
Because someone wanted power and lives were the cost

For all the ones that sat there in…

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View of the drillfield during the VT-Engage kickoff event on October 16, 2007.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Cupp.

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View of candlelight vigil for NIU on Virginia Tech's Alumni Mall.

Photo by Kim Peterson

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VT widescreen wallpaper.png
I decided to try my hand at making a high-res desktop wallpaper with a nice VT logo since i couldn't seem to find anything close to what I wanted.

It's made for widescreen, but if you set it to "center" it should look great on any…

By Philip Grant

Dear Chancellor Drake,

My most heartfelt sympathies are also with those affected by the terrible events of last week at Virginia Tech.

I write to you nonetheless not merely to share my sympathies with you,…

Originally posted April 16, 2007, 9:03 PM on

The day started normal enough - slogged to campus and got to my office around 8:15 AM, and spent the next hour and a half prepping for…

VT Thanks.jpg
I snapped a very quick set of photos of these signs for a panoramic after ESPN Gameday ended just before the first game of the season on September 1, 2007.

Hokies United made these signs to be held up during the show thanking other schools for…

Squires Student Center is filled with posters, message boards, flowers, and other items that universities, businesses, and other places around the country have sent to Virginia Tech.

Orginial Source:…

A huge VT support poster was hung in the Squires Student Center. This poster was filled with fingerprints and moving messages.

Photo taken April 19,2007

Dr. Roger Passman
April 18, 2007
Reporting for Reuters, Andrea Hopkins writes:
By all accounts, the prayers started even before the gunshots stopped at Virginia Tech university, and the pleas to God from grief-stricken survivors of the massacre…

Sign in front of Burruss Hall reading 'VT Stay Strong Media Stay Away.' By around this time I was sensing that this sentiment was shared by growing numbers of this community. Photo taken April 19, 2007.

This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon. Shakti Burks plays a memorial tune.

This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon. This picture includes Hilde, CT (me) and Shakti.

This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon.

This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon.

This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon.

This is one of a series of screen grabs I collected of the VT memorial on Kula Island in hosted by Buridan Simon.
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