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Published on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 by

by Floyd Rudmin

The tragedy at Virginia Tech tears at the heart of everyone. Thirty-two innocent students and teachers, in the normal activities of their lives, are suddenly shot dead.…

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Thursday, April 19. 2007
As all of America mourns the deaths which occurred on the Virginia Tech campus, bloggers are drawing comparisons to the body count that issues daily from Iraq. See a particularly poignant post from Floyd Rudmin of…


Mental Health is Everyone's Business: Historical Reflections on the Virginia Tech Shootings

By Heather Munro Prescott

Ms. Prescott is Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University. Her book, Student Bodies: The…

Gene Koo - April 21, 2007 @ 6:42 pm · Filed under Code / Code
A report in today's New York Times illustrates both the promise and the difficulties of (legal) code as (software) code (U.S. Rules Made Killer Ineligible to Purchase Gun).…


95 words posted by Mark Bard at 11:19 AM

The Librarians of Second Life have constructed a virtual memorial on Info Island to commemorate the victims of Virginia Tech. Pictures of the victims are displayed on a wall, and when visitors…

Sunday, April 22nd, 2007

At the risk of overanalyzing the events surrounding the shootings at Virginia Tech last week, I would like to offer one last set of observations. In my previous posts, I've acknowledged that certainly, there are many…

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Following up on my last post about Seung Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech gunman, the evidence that’s coming out seems to suggest that among other things, he felt ridiculed for his social class background (at least in…

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

By now, I’m sure everybody has heard of the tragedy that took place yesterday, Monday April 16, at Virginia Tech University. Words cannot adequately convey the profound shock and sadness that I feel about this…

Artist's Comments

i took this at the covocation at virginia tech. there were thousands and thousands of people there--too many to fit in the castle where the speeches of important figures were live. the rest of us that couldn't fit were…

Mark Washenberger - May 8, 2007 - 8:19am

It's Memorial Day and I'm in the office, so of course I'm looking for ways to procrastinate. New post time!

After the VT tragedy, a local church put up 32 (by my count) flag poles in…

Gene Koo - Thursday, April 19th, 2007 @ 5:52 pm

Soon after an initial outpouring of shock and grief at the senseless murder of 32 members of the Virginia Tech community, we began seeking explanations for the tragedy. By all accounts Seung-Hui Cho,…

April 19, 2007

The amount of coverage has been staggering--dozens of stories per day in the top national newspapers, nightly broadcast news programs that are lengthened by half an hour, 24-hour repetitions of the same information on cable news,…

by brock | April 23, 2007 at 08:21 pm

As the terrible story of the shootings on the Virginia Tech campus began to unfold last week, the tens of thousands of moving pieces that make up the main stream media were kicked into high gear. The effort…

OSU II.jpg
Tuesday, April 17th, Oregon State held a Candle light vigil for those lost in the Virginia Tech tragedies.

I don't think I've ever been as affected by a shooting as the Virginia Tech tragedy two days ago. Possibly because it's was the…

Vigil III.jpg
This photo was captured at the Virginia Tech candlelight vigil.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Lin

Mattthew Gwaltnev.JPG
A second from Richmond...graduate of Thomas Dale High School in Chesterfield.

Original source:

Photo courtesy of Krissy Watson

Published by Dave April 18th, 2007

This past weekend was the middle weekend of April. That's the time universities put on dog-and-pony shows for students who have been admitted, to help them make up their minds.

My daughter has been…

Published by Dave April 25th, 2007

I have been on the sidelines of quite a number of handgun deaths in my life. Thank God, I haven't really been in the crossfire, nor has any member of my family. But gun violence has come close enough to me…

April 18th, 2007
As the words continue to flow along with the tears after the deaths at Virginia Tech, one important observation rises above the ruins: the incident represented a triumph for what the pundits term the New Media over the Old. The keys…

April 16th, 2007

As one who worked with school districts across the country, I know the issue of school shootings is every school official's nightmare. The apparent random nature of all the shootings only makes the nightmare more fearful, for…
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