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By Salah Obeid
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Jun 8, 2007, 00:27

There isn't room enough on the calendar to honor every American hero, but Aug. 16, the birthday of one such hero, is a day teachers and others who cherish education…

by S L Kim | April 17, 2007

1. Race Shame

As soon as I saw the shooter's name--Cho Seung-Hui--in the NYT this morning, I knew he was Korean. Crap. Ever since I got home last night after teaching, and my husband told me about the deadly…

By: Ryan Norman
Posted: 4/25/07
Events such as the Virginia Tech shooting can be hard on some students. Besides psychological services, students seeking counseling can also find help at campus ministries.

Cornerstone Church at the University of…

By: Ryan Norman
Posted: 8/23/07
With the looming arrival of the fall semester at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University Police are preparing for the increased number of on-campus students.

University Police are hoping to stay ahead of…

hi my names Ryan meyer i go to norristown high school in pa i was crying with u guys when ur friends passed away i think about u guys on that campus all the time ur in my prayers awayls i love u guys even tho i dont know u please write back to me im…

By:Ryan MacDonald
Posted: 4/18/07

In the days following a great tragedy, we as human beings collectively exhibit a variety of distinct reactions. Some will experience fear. This response is inevitably redoubled by a media which profits on false…

April 18th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

I know very little about profoundly deviant behavior of this sort. It has never much interested me. I tend to turn off the channels where it is dealt with.

I have extended familial ties to some protracted and…

Apr 18th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

This day, two days after the shootings at Virginia Tech, is a day of broken hearts. The eyes of those who love the place realize it is now Kent State, like Columbine, as a tragic event, particularly for…

Apr 16th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

For those who know I am at Virginia Tech, both my family and myself are accounted for and uninvolved in any way in the shooting.

Local sources (channel 7) report 22 dead. (see update at least…

By Ryan Call
Sports Writer
March 18, 2008

The World Series is widely believed to be the highest stage for any level of baseball player and one would think that the most successful baseball franchise in the world would think no…

By Ryan Bray
GateHouse Media
Thu May 03, 2007, 02:22 PM EDT

Scituate - In the two weeks since the Virginia Tech shootings swept through the college town of Blacksburg, Va., people nationwide are still struggling to grasp and adjust to the tragic…

Issue Date:Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section
Ry Rivard, City Editor

By the end of the Monday it was obvious that the media had begun selling the day's horrors at Virginia Tech. No matter the gravity or magnitude of a…

Ruben in front of VT Shrine 1.JPG
by Ruben Maqueda

Like every other American, I was shocked and horrified by the shootings that took place at Virginia Tech. I thought of the students and so many young, promising lives suddenly cut short. I thought of the professors who sacrificed…

01 Kiersey, Morning Ireland, April 18.m4a
This is a clip on the Virginia Tech shooting from April 18, 2006. It ran on 'Morning Ireland' show on the Irish radio station RTE 1. It featured an interview between myself and Irish journalist Robert Shortt on the drillfield which took place…

Ken Shold, an NIU almunus and father of a current student, sheds tears while praying in front of Cole Hall on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008, on the Northern Illinois University campus in DeKalb.

Feb 16, 2008 @…

Photo taken April 21, 2007 by Ross Catrow.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic.

Original Source:

Virginia Tech students finish up tragic semester
By: Rosemary Lane
Posted: 5/3/07

Wednesday was the last day of classes for Virginia Tech students, and students said taking exams is tough while coping with the tragedy.

Charlotte Savercool, a…

Leslie Sherman 007.jpg
This is the marquee sign at West Springfield High School in Springfield, Virginia. Photograph taken on April 27, 2007 by Ronald Maggiano.

I was fortunate to teach Leslie Sherman in my Advanced Placement European History course at West Springfield High School. She was a wonderful student with a creative mind and a great sense of humor. She was especially known for her beautiful smile…

[April 18] Romanian born Hero Liviu Librescu received Highest Award

BUCHAREST/ The President of Romania, Traian Basescu, has signed today, April the 18th the year to end, the decree concerning the post-mortem conferring…
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