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What started as a simple VT leaning by a tree became a major focal point of reflection. President Bush signed this VT and a shelter was placed around the VT and other memorabilia. Taken Saturday 21 April.

From around the globe the support for Virginia Tech was amazing

The students left and the media arrived. they were everywhere. Any piece of grass or slab of concrete was fair game.

Like many people in the West Springfield community, I truly loved Leslie. It was my absolute pleasure and honor to have taught her in my Applied History class her senior year at West Springfield High School. In her short 20 years her life…

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University of Toronto Mississauga's memorial service.

Students, staff and faculty at University of Toronto Mississauga signing a memory book to be sent to Virginia Tech.

I was fortunate to teach Leslie Sherman in my Advanced Placement European History course at West Springfield High School. She was a wonderful student with a creative mind and a great sense of humor. She was especially known for her beautiful smile…

As a graduate of Virginia Tech, I wanted to do something positive in response to the recent tragedy. My web company ( will donate ALL PROCEEDs for the rest of April to the Virginia Tech Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. Go…


Message of support on a wall at the Blacksburg Rescue Squad complex. Photo taken Friday, April 20.

VT flowers on the drillfield near the Burruss memorial. Photo taken Friday, April 20.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those lost in this tragedy. Words are not enough to heal wounds or to make up for the great losses of these beautiful lives. As I watched this story unfold on the news, I couldn't get…

Nikki Giovanni's Convocation Address
Delivered April 17, 2007

We are Virginia Tech.

We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on, we are embracing our mourning.

We are Virginia Tech.

We are strong…

The recent days since the travesty at Virginia Tech has provided once again, like the aftermath of NINE-ELEVEN, a stimulus that brings us, as Americans, and particularly those associated with our academic family, closer together. On Wednesday, I…


Draft of resolution passed by the George Mason Student Senate to support the greater Virginia Tech Community.

On the morning of April 16 I was in my office at George Mason University recording a podcast with two colleagues. When we came out of our recording session, I sat down to check my email and saw on the news feed that there had been a shooting at…

My heart goes out to all of the victims who were affected by this senseless tragedy. I don't have a story to share; just my thoughts and hopes that we can begin to heal. This day will be etched into my memory for as long as I can live. I will…

Sign affixed to doors of Torgersen Hall. By the time that this photo was taken, virtually all buildings on campus had signs like this on all entrances. Photo taken Friday, April 20.

(April 20, 2007) Ribbon affixed to William Addison Caldwell statue. Caldwell was one of Virginia Tech's first students. Looking toward Norris Hall.

George Mason University students tied maroon and orange ribbons around trees near the student center in support of Virginia Tech.

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Statue of George Mason dressed in VT colors and t-shirt. A vigil on Thursday April 19, 2007 was held on campus, directly behind the statue of Mason, to express unity with another VA university.

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