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A Reuters cameraman films students walking across the drillfield.

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There are always a trio of TVs running next to the information desk in Squires, tuned to three different news channels. All three were reporting on Virginia Tech.

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I work at a University on the west coast. I was the first to arrive in our hallway on April 16th. I had left my apt at 7a.m., which would have been 10 a.m. on the east coast and there had been no mention of the first shootings. Fifty minutes later…

by Will Stewart,
General Manager and Managing Editor
Apr 17, 2008

The events of April 16th, 2007 touched many people. Lives were changed and altered in various ways, from the victims to the survivors to the first responders to…

Monday, April 16, 2007

My heart and prayers go out to all of the families involved in the senseless shootings at Virginia Tech. My understanding is that 33 individuals lost their lives in the massacre. What a tragedy! There is noting I can do or…

128Kbps MP3 12.5M

The poet presents three works; the poem "April 16, Blacksburg, Virginia" about the Virginia Tech shootings; the poem "at a former lover's graveside" about the death of those we have loved and "the taste" a new song by his…

(PDF, 172KB; Full text below.)

Kevin Granata, PhD (December 29, 1961-April 16, 2007)

Marras, William S. PhD; Stokes, Ian A. F. PhD; Abel, Mark F. MD

Address correspondence to William S. Marras, PhD, E-mail:; Ian…


Published Apr 17, 2007 11:36 PM

Yet another rampage has occurred at a school, this time leaving 33 people dead at Virginia Tech—the worst such incident ever at a U.S. college campus.

The news media seem stunned and surprised, yet…

[May 17] Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request

Miami, FL, US / (Press Release) The record for the World's "Fastest Presidential answer to a citizen request" has just been accepted by the World Records Academy.

The new record…

By: WSN Staff
Posted: 4/17/07

The shooting yesterday at Virginia Tech was shocking, particularly because of its enormous death toll - 33 students were killed in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. Our condolences go out to Virginia…

What a relief, the killer turned out not to be a Chinese. What a relief, no members of ACSS were killed. - However, it is the same. The same horror, the same grief.

The killer, a sick person went extreme to the extreme. He didn't do what he…

The Foreign Ministry yesterday criticized some US media for "irresponsible reports" claiming that the killer in the Virginia Tech shootings was Chinese.

Spokesman Liu Jianchao said it was a terrible mistake and a violation of professional ethics…

By Yang Yang
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Some found out when they checked the morning news, only to be greeted with horror; others learned about it when concerned parents began calling. The rest discovered the gruesome news when fellow students…

Hundreds of mourners accompany Prof Librescu to his final resting place. 'After surviving the Holocaust and Nicolae Ceausescu's regime in Romania, he ended up being shot in Virginia,' friend says

Ines Ehrlich
Published: 04.20.07,…

One of victims in Virginia Tech shooting rampage Monday is Prof Liviu Librescu, senior researcher at university. Librescu was killed after he stayed behind his class to block door and protect students. Massacre claimed lives of 32 people


'This Holocaust survivor gave his own life so that others may live,' US president says during Shoah memorial service in Washington. On Iran: You who have survived evil know that the only way to defeat it is to look it in the face and not back…

개헌 말고는 총기 범죄를 막을 근본대책이 없는 미국은 역사학자 홉스태터의 말처럼 총기문화의 나라다. 탈출구 없는 범인의 정신세계가 제도적 허점을 틈타 폭발한 버지니아공대 사건도…

버지니아텍 총격 사건의 생생한 현장을 카메라에 담아 전 세계에 타전한 주인공이 재미동포 2세 사진기자로 밝혀졌다.

26일 미주중앙일보에 따르면 특종 사진을 찍은 주인공은…

미국 버지니아텍 총기사건으로 딸을 잃은 이 학교 교수가 20일 강단에 다시 섰다.

회계학과 교수인 브라이언 클로이드는 지난 4ì›” 발생한 버지니아텍 총기사건으로 딸 오스틴을…

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지난 4ì›” 미국 역사상 최악의 총기참사를 겪었던 버지니아공대(버지니아텍)ê°€ 20일 참사의 상처를 치유하기 위해 분주히 움직이는 가운데 새 학년, 새 학기를 시작했다고 미 언론들이…

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