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By: Chris Rosacker
Posted: 4/18/07
Students will gather tonight in remembrance of the school shooting that shocked the nation on Monday.

A candlelight vigil will be held tonight at 8:30 p.m. at the Nebraska Union Plaza to honor the victims and…

Arizona State University students gather for a candelight vigil to honor and remember the students affected by the Virginia Tech tragedy.

Original source:

Photo courtesy of Bettina Hansen

Christian fellowship helps survivors of the Virginia Tech shootings deal with larger issues.

Deann Alford in Blacksburg, Virginia | posted 4/23/2007 09:50AM

Four former Columbine students worshiped with Virginia Tech's New Life Christian…

By: Anna Lieth
Posted: 4/20/07
Days after the Virginia Tech shooter was identified as a Korean-American male by national media outlets, members of Duke's Asian Students Association gathered Thursday night to discuss the possible backlashes the…

Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

By now, I’m sure everybody has heard of the tragedy that took place yesterday, Monday April 16, at Virginia Tech University. Words cannot adequately convey the profound shock and sadness that I feel about this…

One of the items on display at the Alumni Center Art Exhibit. On 4/16/08, as part of the Day of Remembrance observance, the Holtzman Alumni Center Museum displayed examples of art, crafts, quilts, and other memorabilia contributed since April 16,…

This sign stood at the entrance to the room for "Remembering Through Art Creation". As part of A Day of Remembrance, 4/16/08, the Remembering Through Art Creation activities allowed people to paint rocks and kites as well as leave messages in…

Published Friday, February 15, 2008

Springfield-area colleges have systems in place to alert students to campus emergencies, and most procedures have been updated or were instituted originally in the wake of campus…

I never really thought of myself as a Hokie. I came to VT to learn engineering and science. I have never been to a game nor participated in any student activities. I have always thought of myself as a student here to learn, not a Hokie. Tragedy…

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By: George Henson,
Posted: 4/26/07
No matter how much we try to make sense out of the horrific events of Monday, April 16, we can't.

Last Wednesday, under the guise of news reporting, NBC pimped the "manifesto" and video that…

April 16, 2007.doc
This became my final exam for one of my classes. It had a word count but I did not follow it. I wrote this in one sitting, without going back or revising- it just flowed out because it had to. The reason I choose to attach the document file…

This is the promotional flyer made for the "April 16: Remembrance, Recognition and Healing" exhibit. The exhibit was on display from April 5-20, 2008 at the Perspective Gallery in Squires Student Center at Virginia Tech. The exhibit featured…

Bethany Gizzi and Christine Plumeri
26 Apr 2007

The tragedy at Virginia Tech on April 16th, 2007 is no doubt on many of our minds. We struggle with the impossible task of trying to understand how such a horrific act of violence could occur on a…

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 22:00:00 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Anniversary Reactions to a Traumatic Event

Here is some information from the university's Cook Counseling Center and the university Employee…

A candlelight vigil held on 4/16/08, A Day of Remembrance.

Photo by Roger Gupta.


Original Source:

Anne Goddard, whose son Colin was injured during the April 16 shootings at Virginia Tech, speaks at a student "lie-in" on the drillfield on April 16, 2008, A Day of Remembrance. Organized by Virginia Tech senior Alison St. Onge, the lie-in was…

21 April- Angela Tincher, pitcher of the #23 ranked Virginia Tech softball team warms up to reenter the first softball game played after the tragic events of 16 April. Several softball games were too be played in Bristol, VA as part of the Stateline…


Local knitters will gather Saturday to make blankets for the affected of April 16

By: Amanda Mullins

(June 15) When the owner of Mosaic, a local Blacksburg yarn store, first started talking about Hokie Healing, she probably wasn't…

VT flowers and cops.jpg
Photo taken in front of Burruss Hall of the entrance to Norris Hall. I wanted to create an image that showed the beauty and life of the campus in the foreground, with the tragic events in the background. Most students feel safe, alive, and happy…

By Korea Times Reporters

Koreans and Americans appear to have different views on the causes of the Virginia shooting spree as the Korean fear of backlash was overcome by an American outpouring of compassion and help.

Koreans, especially those…
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