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Apr. 18th, 2007 at 12:02 AM

Virginia is, if memory serves, one of the states that had a particularly malevolently horrible 2004 national election, one marked by substantial Republican chicanery and vicious suppression of the minority vote, so the…

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Topics like these are always hard to approach. For some, the event holds particular weight, either because of their relationship with the victims, with the assailant, with the location where it takes place, or because of the…

Apr 16, 2007
We are simply heartbroken by the deaths and injuries suffered at Virginia Tech. We know what an unspeakable, life-changing moment this is for these families and how, in this moment, it is hard to feel anything but overwhelming grief,…

[This is a copy of my initial reaction to the media coverage of the VTech shooting, posted on my Wordpress blog. Unfortunately both links are now defunct - I wish I had saved a page of the "godblessvtech" blog, because it was to me a poignant…

This is a piece written by Gerard Toal, the NOVA-based Virginia Tech Professor. It was published in the Irish Times 28/04/07.

The Irish Times
Author: Gerard Toal
Title: Sensible gun laws only way to secure a safe future for US…

April 16, 2007
It's been a dizzying day taking in the horrible news from Virginia Tech, just a few hours west of DC, with at least 30 people on campus killed by a lone gunman. I spent a good part of the morning running back and forth between…

Monday, April 16, 2007

I broke down and turned on CNN to check out coverage of the Virginia Tech shooting. I see there and elsewhere, without really knowing the details from this morning's mayhem, that the media are turning to the question of…

Monday, April 16, 2007

My heart and prayers go out to all of the families involved in the senseless shootings at Virginia Tech. My understanding is that 33 individuals lost their lives in the massacre. What a tragedy! There is noting I can do or…

April 19, 2007

On Friday, April 20, dozens of Case Western Reserve University students and other members of the campus community became honorary "Hokies" in spirit. They wore maroon and orange - the Virginia Tech school colors - in a show of…

Posted by Helena Cobban at April 16, 2007 04:33 PM

Tragedy has struck the community at Virginia Tech, our state's "other" fine flagship university, which is located around 120 miles southwest of my hometown, Charlottesville.

Apparently a…

Castle Point I.jpg
The flag at Castle Point flows in the wind as students stand in memory of the dead at Virginia Tech.

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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0

Castle Point II.jpg
Briana Gilmartin helps a fellow student light a candle in remembrance of the dead at Virginia Tech.

Original source:

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0

VaTech_human_logo v2.jpg
Case Western Reserve University's students, faculty and staff dressed in maroon and orange and organized into a Virginia Tech logo. Case's student government and others organized this "human logo" on Friday, April 20 in support of the victims…

Case Western Reserve University's students, faculty and staff dressed in maroon and orange and organized into a Virginia Tech logo. Case's student government and others organized this "human logo" on Friday, April 20 in support of the victims…

By: Elizabeth Nowrouz

Posted: 4/19/07

It has been three days since April 16. Three days since maroon and orange became not just a team's colors, but a show of courage and defiance in the face of a national tragedy.

While the students,…

Crime scene tape near Norris Hall that was blown away and then got snagged in a nearby tree.

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Salem State College students, staff and others at a vigil on Monday, May 23 for Virginia Tech lined up to form the VT logo. The photo will be sent to the university as a show of support, along with signed banners and wooden VT logo…

By Meghan Griffin/
GateHouse Media
Wed Apr 25, 2007, 09:36 PM EDT

SALEM - The vigil held at Salem State College on Monday began with the most important thing, the reason some 300 students and faculty had assembled: the 32-plus…

By Liz Vargo The Record Herald
Published: Monday, May 21, 2007 10:08 AM CDT

GREENCASTLE - When Greencastle-Antrim High School sophomore Kristin Reihart saw the massacre unfold at Virginia Tech in April, a chilling realization hit her - it could…

Tuesday, April 17, 2007The Bill Muehlenberg Trophy: Debbie Schlussel and the Virginia Tech ShootingsJust when you think the wingnut Right can't possibly get more insane or logic-deprived than it already is, along comes Debbie Schlussel, writing…
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