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Campus has taken on a whole new look...

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Photo courtesy of Krissy Watson

Monday, April 16, 2007

It was a crisp, clear, bright autumn day, the kind of day you drink in with every essence of your being. I was sleepy, woken early by my parents for the drive from Nashville to Blacksburg. But I was excited. Not only were we…

By: Jack Myers / Jack Myers Think Tank (Blog)

May 07, 2007

The more I think and talk to people about NBC's handling of Cho Seung-Hui's videos following the tragedy at Virginia Tech, the more convinced I am the decision was mishandled…

Harold X. O'Boyle / The Extremist (Blog)

May 03, 2007

Mass murder invariably gets the Victim Disarmament Lobby into a lather promoting safety through helplessness. The Virginia Tech shooting is no exception. A brief but honest look at how…

April 20, 2007
Natalie Solent (Essex)
Nikki Giovanni found one of her Creative Writing students a trial.
"And every class I'm saying, 'Mr. Cho, take off your (sun)-glasses please, take your hat off please. Mr. Cho, that's not a…

by J Lee | April 19, 2007

When I was growing up in the 80s, it often seemed that the world was holding its breath, keeping its fingers crossed to prevent some sort of nuclear disaster. The apocalypse that I imagined then had to do with the world…

by S L Kim | April 17, 2007

1. Race Shame

As soon as I saw the shooter's name--Cho Seung-Hui--in the NYT this morning, I knew he was Korean. Crap. Ever since I got home last night after teaching, and my husband told me about the deadly…

Charles Warner / Media Curmudgeon Blog

Television has once again gone on a rampage of gluttony over the tragic murders at Virginia Tech. However, it depends on your definition of what constitutes gluttony and what kind of TV you're talking…

Submitted by Shreya Mandal on 17 April 2007 - 2:34pm.

Yesterday, as I sat in the lobby of the Elizabeth Detention Center waiting to testify at a hearing, I learned about the violent incident that took place in Virginia. A small flat-screen…

By Arlen Parsa
Filed: Thursday April 19th 2007, 9:05 AM

In the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech on Monday, April 16, many asked how such a thing could have happened. It was the deadliest shooting spree in American history, and already there…

April 18th, 2007 by Ben

The tragic massacre this week at Virginia Tech will be one of those events that you will remember how you first heard the news, where you were when you heard it, and what you were doing at the time. Like September 11, 2001,…

Dave Vogt /

I am honestly at a loss for what to say about the events that unfolded on the Virginia Tech campus this morning. I was walking across the Drillfield towards GBJ when firing broke out in Norris hall. I had heard nothing…

A horrible tragedy. The bottom line is that sometimes awful things happen in life and there's not a satisfactory explanation as to why. Sometimes people fail to recognize this.
There's a lot of idle chatter regarding whether or not Virginia…

Posted On: April 16th, 2007

Normally that would take at least a couple days.

The sad state of the domain squatting industry, and society in general, is that after a horrible shooting a bunch of "business people" sprint to grab up every VT…

Submitted by JohnMaxfield on Tue, 04/17/2007 - 7:30am.

Would this have happened at a school like Hampden-Sydney? That is the question.

And the answer must be dealt with delicately, in the aftermath of such a horrendous massacre that hopefully…

Arms Control Begins at Home

April 29, 2007 at 3:28 pm · Filed under Virginia Tech, compassion, meditation, violence

I need to be hit with a ton of bricks for a message to sink in. For a long time I've spoken about gun control, nuclear…

by D. Grant Haynes Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007 at 2:10 PM

The senseless murder of 32 people at Virginia Tech underlines once again the necessity for stricter gun control laws in the United States.

Americans are busily soul searching one more time…

We Are Virginia Tech.jpg
The memorial at the Drill Field near Burress Hall and Norris Hall.

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Messages that show the solidarity and the university community culture that exist at Virginia Tech.

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Crime Scene.jpg
Individuals have placed flowers and other items at the crime scene outside of Norris Hall.

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