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Gene Koo - April 21, 2007 @ 6:42 pm · Filed under Code / Code
A report in today's New York Times illustrates both the promise and the difficulties of (legal) code as (software) code (U.S. Rules Made Killer Ineligible to Purchase Gun).…


Mental Health is Everyone's Business: Historical Reflections on the Virginia Tech Shootings

By Heather Munro Prescott

Ms. Prescott is Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University. Her book, Student Bodies: The…

Thursday, April 19. 2007
As all of America mourns the deaths which occurred on the Virginia Tech campus, bloggers are drawing comparisons to the body count that issues daily from Iraq. See a particularly poignant post from Floyd Rudmin of…

Published on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 by

by Floyd Rudmin

The tragedy at Virginia Tech tears at the heart of everyone. Thirty-two innocent students and teachers, in the normal activities of their lives, are suddenly shot dead.…

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April 18th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

I know very little about profoundly deviant behavior of this sort. It has never much interested me. I tend to turn off the channels where it is dealt with.

I have extended familial ties to some protracted and…

Nafeesah Abdullah
May 06, 2007

In light of recent events this just gets added to the list of school shootings that have taken place over the last 5+ years and what seems to be motive is identical the perpetrators are young white males under the…

Ann Clemmons
May 03, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui a tormented young man, already exhibiting crazed behavior, ignored the advice of a teacher, slipped through a mental health care facility, conned campus police, and bought two firearms. Teachers, students,…

Artist's Comments

Dedicated to those who lost their lives in the massacre at Virginia Tech...


Original Source:

Licensed under
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative…

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De, Silvia Vrinceanu Nichita | 18.04.2007

Profesorul Liviu Librescu, impuscat mortal intr-un amfiteatru al Universitatii Virginia Tech din SUA, este originar din Focsani, unde a trait pina la 14 ani. De asemenea, sotia regretatului profesor este…

Artist's Comments

Image made for the newspaper I work at (Nyhedsavisen). Asking questions like "was the evil or just haunted? Was it something in his head or the society around him?"

Kinda funny... A few months ago this was a guy I'd…

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Wednesday, April 18. 2007

The blog has not been on my mind these past few days. My son is a senior at Virginia Tech. He's OK. We have spent most of the past two days staying in touch with him and answering phone calls and emails from friends…

Apr 18th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

This day, two days after the shootings at Virginia Tech, is a day of broken hearts. The eyes of those who love the place realize it is now Kent State, like Columbine, as a tragic event, particularly for…

Apr 16th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

For those who know I am at Virginia Tech, both my family and myself are accounted for and uninvolved in any way in the shooting.

Local sources (channel 7) report 22 dead. (see update at least…

I chose to participate in the One Day Blog Silence. There are much worse, but less publicized violence and prejudice daily, so I have spent the one day blog silence in honor of all victims of injustice around the world. The silence day was started to…

Artist's Comments

To all of the fallen at Virginia Tech, rest in peace.

Taken at Michigan State University's candlelight vigil for the victims of the Virginia Tech massacre last week.


Photo taken Wednesday, April 18. Provided…

about 1 month ago by Nate Brugnone

The recent shootings at Virginia Tech are not only a tragedy at face-value, they are also a revealing tragedy on many social levels. As this story broke almost every headline across the US, and no doubt…

Saturday, April 21, 2007

"this is a lesson for all o. i think those American parents should learn a lesson or 2 from this. with the way their kids tease other people of different nationalities. i went to school abroad as well, and i can tell you…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Since releasing the excerpts from the package sent by Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui, NBC News has received more than just a little criticism. Indeed, this story is so big that every little nuance... anything remotely…

Monday, April 16, 2007

Thirty-one... now 32 killed at Virginia Tech. Initial "breaking news" headlines emailed and forwarded to my BlackBerry from the New York Times, then the Washington Post and finally the Sacramento Bee reported the number dead…

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English at Virginia Tech, has completed his transformation from Clark Kent to, well, Rambo. Having killed and maimed over thirty people, in a calculated and merciless way,…
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