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April 16th, 2007

As one who worked with school districts across the country, I know the issue of school shootings is every school official's nightmare. The apparent random nature of all the shootings only makes the nightmare more fearful, for…

April 21st, 2007

Cho seung-hui, the Rutgers University women's basketball team, the students and Virginia Tech all form a tangled thicket nourished by the American media, overgrown with too many words, too many pictures and too many answers to…

When I came around the corner, I was moved by the care given in this simple, but strong message.

Ignite-LA, a Southern California young adults ministry shows support for those at Virginia Tech by holding a special memorial service for those who lost their lives on April 16th.

This is image of a collection of personal notes of prayer and…

Ignite-LA, a Southern California young adults ministry shows support for those at Virginia Tech by holding a special memorial service for those who lost their lives on April 16th.

This is image of a collection of personal notes of prayer and…

please visit the site below for a very touching tribute to what happened to all of Va. tech. The song writer who wrote this had just played the previous weekend in your area he was very touched, and was moved to write this…

By Raymond Zhou
Updated: 2007-04-19 07:10

The shooting rampage at Virginia Tech on Monday shocked the world. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and the community that suffered this senseless tragedy. Anyone with even a modicum of human…

All of the students and staff at my kids' school wore orange and maroon in honor of those killed at Virginia Tech. They then took this picture to send to the university. Simply beautiful.

Original source: …

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

While we spent the last two weeks railing at each other about racial insults, sexist jokes, hip hop music, apologies that won't fly, and weighty matters related to the First Amendment, a deranged college student sat…

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I am a college student at WCC in wytheville, Va. I am honored to stand with the faculty and students of Virginia Tech as a Hokie. I was able to visit VT on the Saturday after and i was overwhelmed by the sadness and heart break. They will over come…

Artist's Comments

Image made for the newspaper I work at (Nyhedsavisen). Asking questions like "was the evil or just haunted? Was it something in his head or the society around him?"

Kinda funny... A few months ago this was a guy I'd…

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One week after the events at Virginia Tech UNLV students held a vigil.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5.

Photo Taken by Ricardo Estrada

Por Ricardo Valdivieso y Yolanda Puyana
Viernes 11 de Mayo del 2007

Después de la tragedia ocurrida en Blacksburg el 16 de abril, Sigma Delta Pi chapter de Virginia Tech, así como el profesorado y cuerpo estudiantil de esta institución,…

By Richard Crocker, College Chaplain
Friday, April 20, 2007

To the Editor:

We mourn the deaths of students and faculty at Virginia Tech ("Virginia Tech gunman kills 32 in bloodbath," April 17). It is appropriate and natural that we should do…

By Richard Lodge/Daily News staff
Fri Apr 20, 2007, 12:20 AM EDT

The debate over gun control in the wake of Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech had already reached the presidential campaign trial by midweek, and it's sure to surface…


On Thursday afternoon April 19, three days after the shootings at Virginia Tech, my wife and I put our dog in the car and headed south to visit our son, a senior engineering major at the…

Sometimes I'm just amazed at the ignorance of people. I've come across many blog entries that are outright idiotic but usually chalk it up to 'that's where they're coming from' or 'everyone's entitled to their…

Former Buckeyes retell events of VT massacre
By: Rick Krumreig
Posted: 4/25/07

Locked down in an office. Shades drawn, lights off, TV on, laptops humming. Ambulances screaming down the street with police scattered all around, guns drawn. This is…

By: Rob Olson
Posted: 4/19/07

This is how it happens, a tragedy so great that if we were to truly comprehend it, we would find ourselves incapacitated with grief.

Speeches, national debates, 24-hour news channels, investigations, prayers and…

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here.

Have any fellow Lefties noticed that the Blogosphere seems to be a disgusting, rightwing place? Have you noticed that it seems like…
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