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Joseph (Joe) Librescu, the son of Liviu Librescu, the teacher who protected his students at the cost of his own life in the Virgina Tech killing spree yesterday, sent a heart-felt message to all readers.
"I am professor Librescu's son…

Students and community members gather at MemChu to reflect, pray

April 19, 2007
By Rahul Kanakia

Several hundred Stanford community members gathered yesterday evening at a Memorial Church service for the 32 Virginia Tech students and faculty…

A vigil for Virginia Tech, at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Geary

UVA II.jpg
A vigil for Virginia Tech, at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Geary

A vigil for Virginia Tech, at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Geary

George Mason II.jpg
Last night, a vigil was held at George Mason for those lost in the terrible tragedy on Monday at Virginia Tech.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Nicolas Tan

64Kbps MP3 13.6M

Executive Director of GTY [Grace to You] Phil Johnson has an open conversation with Dr. John MacArthur about the shootings at Blacksburg, VA.

Does the Christian faith offer a viable answer to the question of why things like…

Full Report (PDF) - 463 KB
June 13, 2007

"We reflect on what has been lost and comfort those enduring a profound grief. And somehow we know that a brighter morning will come. We know this because together Americans have overcome many evils and…

By Valerie Syverson, Co-Editor
Thursday, April 19, 2007

As anyone used to following national news knows, there's nothing quite so tailor-made for TV news as a school massacre like last Monday's. All other news is immediately superseded…

By Natalya Kostandova
Monday, April 23, 2007

The student body awoke Thursday morning expecting the day to bring much change to campus, largely in form of a couple hundred prefrosh who arrived throughout the day. Not many, however, expected to see…

By Jean-Lou Chameau, Institute President
Thursday, April 19, 2007

We live in a time when tragedies occur almost daily in the world. They trouble us; however, many of them seem so distant that they do not affect us deeply, although they should.…

By Yang Yang
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Some found out when they checked the morning news, only to be greeted with horror; others learned about it when concerned parents began calling. The rest discovered the gruesome news when fellow students…

April 17th, 2007 by Dan Gillmor

(Note: This will appear tomorrow as an op-ed piece in the Washington Examiner newspaper.)

Once again, horror has given us a glimpse of our media future: simultaneously conversational and distributed, mass and…

April 24, 2007
It was pointed out to me the other night that I'm a living, breathing embodiment of the stereotypical quiet Asian.
I was among a few friends and some friends of friends in the bar at AT&T Park prior to a San Francisco Giants…

May 22, 2007
By Darren Franich

Suicide is so much less embarrassing than homicide. Can you imagine the shitstorm maelstrom that would engulf our pretty campus if someone shot five people? Shot them so their blood splattered across the tables of…

May 14, 2007
By Lisette Rimer

Dear Dr. Hennessy,

Thank you for your op-ed piece May 4th on preventing future tragedies such as Virginia Tech. It was forwarded to me byone of your students who suffered the loss of a friend, my son Patrick Wood.…

May 4, 2007

On April 16, 2007, our country suffered a terrible tragedy when a troubled student killed 32 members of the Virginia Tech community.

Such tragedies are unfathomable. Words, as eloquent and sincere as they may be,…

April 27, 2007
By Editorial Board

It is a tough line to walk: simultaneously respecting those affected by tragedy and reassuring the community in a time of crisis. This year has seen numerous examples of the administration's sincere efforts…

Korean community reacts to blame and guilt following massacre
April 24, 2007
By Aram Hur

In the aftermath of last week's Virginia Tech massacre, the national Korean-American community has reportedly suffered a backlash similar to that…

Police trained, armed with special weapons, for crisis

April 20, 2007
By Rahul Kanakia

A new Stanford committee will conduct an evaluation of its emergency protocols in the wake of Monday's shootings at Virginia Tech University. The…
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