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Publicado por Manuel Dávila Galindo Olivares
lunes, abril 16, 2007

En honor a lo ominoso

Hoy vemos en el mundo el reflejo de lo que somos. Han muerto más estudiantes que caminaban por los pasillos de su escuela a manos de otros estudiantes…

Publicado por Batz
Friday, April 20, 2007

Todos vimos/leímos sobre la matanza que hubo en Virginia Tech esta semana. Un suceso terrible que personalmente me sorprendió mucho por estar tan cercano al pueblo al que me fui de intercambio en 1997,…

Apr 16th, 2007 by Ryan Lanham

For those who know I am at Virginia Tech, both my family and myself are accounted for and uninvolved in any way in the shooting.

Local sources (channel 7) report 22 dead. (see update at least…

By: Melanie Hicken
Posted: 4/26/07

Aug. 1, 1966 - University of Texas at Austin

From the top of a 27-story tower, Charles J. Whitman shot and killed 13 people and wounded 31 others before he was killed by police fire.

July 12, 1976 -…

By: Melanie Hicken
Posted: 4/26/07

The first shooting at Virginia Tech happened at about 7:15 a.m., yet classes continued - a decision questioned by many in the last week.

Right or wrong, it has led many Syracuse University students to ask:…

By: Melanie Hicken
Posted: 4/26/07

April 16, 2007. Another day to mourn. Another day Americans will never forget.

But while the Virginia Tech community begins the healing process after the largest massacre in U.S. history, college campuses…

By: Melanie Hicken
Posted: 4/26/07

As more information rapidly becomes available through media reports, it has become quite clear Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho was deeply troubled.

He had few friends. He had harassed several female…

By: Melanie Hicken
Posted: 4/26/07

Oklahoma City. Columbine. 9/11.

For a generation that came of age during such memorable acts of violence, tragedy is not new. But for the largest fatal shooting in U.S. history to occur on a college campus…

Artist's Comments

Dedicated to those who lost their lives in the massacre at Virginia Tech...


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I am a Hokie.

I finished my degree work at Virginia Tech in 1974, and in all these years, I have never regretted my choice to go to Blacksburg. I became the man that I am there.

To have this ugly nightmare play out in my…

This photo was taken at the Oregon State University vigil for Virginia Tech.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Le

OSU II.jpg
Tuesday, April 17th, Oregon State held a Candle light vigil for those lost in the Virginia Tech tragedies.

I don't think I've ever been as affected by a shooting as the Virginia Tech tragedy two days ago. Possibly because it's was the…

Convocation II.jpg
This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Roger Gupta

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

By: Shannon Pittman-Price
Posted: 4/26/07

Last week, the worst school shooting in American history happened on the campus of Virginia Tech. The day after the shooting, most students went to The Daily Orange to read the coverage on the shootings.…
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