Browse Items (1884 total)

University Commemoration - lady in black cape and Tech Lacrosse shirt

University Commemoration - band playing

Burruss on April 16, 2008 - flag at halfstaff

University Commemoration - hugs

University Commemoration - view of memorial and Burruss

We Are Virginia Tech shirt

University Commemoration - view from Chapel

University Commemoration - students standing at Chapel

University Commemoration

University Commemoration

VT widescreen wallpaper.png
I decided to try my hand at making a high-res desktop wallpaper with a nice VT logo since i couldn't seem to find anything close to what I wanted.

It's made for widescreen, but if you set it to "center" it should look great on any…

I'm writing simply to thank the UM community for its compassion in its response to the tragedy at Virginia Tech. I joined the UM faculty as a lecturer in the English department this year, but I originally hail from the Southwestern Virginia area;…

Debbie Andalo
Tuesday April 17, 2007

The mass shooting at Virginia Tech University could easily happen on a UK campus, an academic and former vice-president of a US institution warned today.
Prof Geoffrey Alderman,…

Christian fellowship helps survivors of the Virginia Tech shootings deal with larger issues.

Deann Alford in Blacksburg, Virginia | posted 4/23/2007 09:50AM

Four former Columbine students worshiped with Virginia Tech's New Life Christian…

Virginia Tech's Korean Christians wrestle with the aftermath of a massacre.

Deann Alford | posted 6/06/2007 08:02AM

The alert that two students had been shot on campus blipped into Jong Nam Lee's e-mail inbox around 9:30 that fateful…

By Dawn Witlin/Chronicle Staff
Cambridge Chronicle
Thu Apr 19, 2007, 01:30 PM EDT

Cambridge -

While some MIT students mourned the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings at a Wednesday prayer service, others reflected upon campus safety.


By David Xia

Approximately 300 students, faculty, and administrators gathered together at the sundial last night for a candlelight vigil held in memory of the 32 victims of the Virginia Tech shootings.


Issue date: 4/20/07
Section: Opinion

The Daily Free Press's editorial sounded like it was taken straight from the NBC anchor's monologue, complete with the required clichés of "difficult decision" and "responsibility to tell the story,"…

By: David Smith / Junior horticulture major
Posted: 4/23/07
Naturally, with the recent atrocity that occurred in Virginia at a college campus not unlike ours, there has been talk of tighter gun control and even outright bans to stop such incidents…

Will examine campus security

By: David Reynolds, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/20/07

In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech tragedy, school systems across the country are discussing new security measures to ensure that such a harrowing event never…
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