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This photo was captured outside the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

This photo was captured on the football field at the Virginia Tech convocation.

Original Source:中新网

中新网布莱克斯堡4月19日电 题:误冲禁区被捕三小时,中国学生崔少卓体验完全不同枪案现场


The following is from my 4/19/07 post on my blog, Ocular Fusion. The URL is


It's been said that there are no more than six degrees of separation between every person on…


By: Doug Gill
Posted: 5/7/07

I love British comedies. So I just had to see "Hot Fuzz" a couple weeks ago.

It's the latest action-comedy-murder-mystery-thriller from the makers of "Shaun of the Dead," directed by Edgar Wright and starring…

Doug Finke
GateHouse News Service
Fri Feb 15, 2008, 09:31 PM EST

SPRINGFIELD, IL - Northern Illinois University's response to Thursday's shooting rampage may have been helped by what state officials learned from last year's massacre…

Comments to Manna adviser offer first glimpse of Cho family reaction

By Doug Eshleman
Princetonian Staff Writer

While family members of the Virginia Tech gunman have secluded themselves during the last three days to avoid media attention,…

미국 최악의 총기 참사의 용의자가 한국교포 학생인 조승희(23) 씨로 밝혀지면서 인터넷에서 희생자들을 추도하는 물결이 퍼지고 있다.

참사가 벌어진 지 하루가 18일 일부 네티즌들을…


美대사관 앞 추모 촛불 집회
18일 오후 서울 종로구 주한 미국대사관 앞에서 미 버지니아공대 총기 난사 희생자들을 추모하는 촛불집회가 열렸다. 50명의 참가자가 버지니아공대를…


In the cold shadows of Cabell hall, I sit and pray for sun.I stare up past Homer's statueto the Rotunda up the Lawn.I can see the flag through trees,half-mast, flicks of red and white.And though I'm proud to call it mine,my heart is filled…

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My youngest son, Travis Miller graduated from Virginia Tech in 2006, and my experiences goe back gto my early teens. As a woman, a Mom, and a researcher, the events of April 16, 2007, grabbed my full attention, and still do.

You see, since 1993, I…

By: Don Lucas
Posted: 4/30/07

Two weeks ago, I was shocked once again when a maniac took so many innocent lives at Virginia Tech. I focused on the many news events that followed this tragedy in my home state.

I reflected on the campus, wrapped…

By Dinah Cardin/
GateHouse News Service
Fri Jul 13, 2007, 12:29 PM EDT

Salem -

Paducah. Jonesboro. Columbine. They may sound like destinations toured by a small garage band, but if we reach back in memory, they are actually…


Der tödliche Amoklauf auf dem Campus der US-Hochschule in Blacksburg, dem mindestens 33 Menschen zum Opfer fielen, ist der schlimmste,der sich bislang in der Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten ereignet hat. Doch…

By Dick Durbin
Posted Apr 17, 2008 @ 10:59 PM

This week, our nation marked the anniversary of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech that took 32 lives and wounded 17 other people. Just two months ago, our state was stunned to witness…

Lessons learned on the 8th anniversary of Columbine.

-- Diane Edbril and Daniel Loeb

Yet another American gun massacre, and though the scale is more horrific, it is not surprising. The Virginia Tech massacre is not unlike the Amish schoolhouse…

University Commemoration - girl/student grieving under tree

University Commemoration - man holding his sleeping baby

VT Rescue Squad vehicle
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