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VT Remembers 013.JPG
German instructor Jamie Bishop's Hokie Stone is filled with objects from loved ones.

Original source:

Photo courtesy of Frank Eak

VT Remembers 009.JPG
Friends and loved ones have placed several items by Ryan Clark's Hokie Stone.

Original source:

Photo courtesy of Frank Eak

A group of Northrop Grumman employees gathered at the flagpole at noon on Friday, 20 April 07, to remember the victims and their families and show their support for the entire Hokie family.

Published on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 by

by Floyd Rudmin

The tragedy at Virginia Tech tears at the heart of everyone. Thirty-two innocent students and teachers, in the normal activities of their lives, are suddenly shot dead.…

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By Felicia Daniels
Sun Staff Writer
Apr 19 2007

Brenda Scinto '87 was in her bedroom studying in 1983, when two freshman women, Young Hee Suh '87 and Erin Nieswand '87, were fatally shot in the room above her by 26-year-old Su Yong…

Fast Capitalism - Issue 3.1 - 2007

Special Issue on Virginia Tech

To: Multiple Recipients: 'There is a Gunman on Campus'
Timothy W. Luke

Mediated Ritual on Academic Ground
Neal King

A Hokies' Lament: American Social…

(PDF, 3 pages, 144KB)

Prepared by the Family Therapy Center at Virginia Tech

April 17th, 2007

As a part of my Homicide Investigation class at George Washington University, my instructor has asked us to write a brief analysis of the killings that occurred at Virginia Tech on Monday. Even though I am only a student and…

Ewen MacAskill
Wednesday April 18, 2007
The Guardian

A survivor of the Holocaust died trying to save his students from the Virginia Tech gunman, it emerged yesterday.
Liviu Librescu, 76, who survived the Nazi killings, later escaped from…

Ewen MacAskill in Blacksburg
Tuesday April 17, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Alec Calhoun, an engineering student at Virginia Tech, described today an individual act of bravery by one of his professors that saved his life.
Mr Calhoun, 20, had been…

18 Aprilie 2007
Livia Cimpoeru, Eugenia Mihalcea

Masacrul produs luni la Universitatea americana Virginia Tech din Blacksburg ar fi putut avea un bilant si mai tragic daca nu ar fi existat oameni ca Liviu Librescu.

America retraieste in…

Profesorul Liviu Librescu, romanul erou al Americii, impuscat mortal intr-un amfiteatru al Universitatii Virginia Tech din SUA in timp ce incerca sa-si salveze studentii din fata atacatorului sud-coreean, a copilarit la Focsani, unde a trait din plin…

EMS director outlines city's disaster-response system

By: Evelyn Ratigan
Posted: 4/20/07

As the efficiency of the emergency response system at Virginia Tech faces scrutiny, with critics saying the school was slow to notify its members of…

By Evan Cohen

Eleven years ago, I played in a band that rehearsed in a basement downtown. On one side of the basement was an illegal two-bedroom apartment that the landlord slapped together with drywall. My friend Matt…

By: Eugene Wang
Posted: 4/20/07
Executive Vice President Tallman Trask spoke about Duke's emergency response system and Jo Rae Wright, dean of the Graduate School, reported on the future of the school at the Academic Council's meeting…

Beauty and Depravity | eugene cho's blog []

weeks have now passed. perhaps, it's become an afterthought for many. personally, a day hasn't gone by without some thoughts of the virginia tech tragedy. the tragedy exposed a…

Beauty and Depravity | eugene cho's blog []

Here's the guest column I had the privilege of writing for the Seattle Post Intelligencer [published for Tuesday, April 24, 2007]. I've also included some other reads I have…

Beauty and Depravity | eugene cho's blog []
Like everyone else - here [Seattle], there [Virginia], West [United States, East [Korea], and everywhere, I am trying to make sense of something that is simply - senselesss. Personally,…
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