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Monday, April 23, 2007

I am offended and embarrassed by the editorial cartoon featured on April 18 concerning the shootings at Virginia Tech.

It is insulting and irresponsible to poke fun at such a tragic event that has affected college…

By:Paul Morrow
Posted: 4/20/07

As details regarding Monday's tragic shooting at Virginia Polytechnic Institute continue to emerge, and in particular, information concerning the of the shooter, Cho Seung-Hui, I want to urge all Miami…

By:Christopher Rodgers
Posted: 4/19/07

Guns, when put in the right hands, can be a good thing

This mass murder at Virginia Tech is a perfect example of how important an armed populace can be. Before you fly off the cuff, I am not promoting…

VT tragedy requires look at gun control

For too long this country has refused to take a realistic approach to gun control legislation, often pointing to the debatable phrasing of the Second Amendment. This negligence has led to the horrifying…

Issue date: 4/20/07
Section: Opinion

The Daily Free Press's editorial sounded like it was taken straight from the NBC anchor's monologue, complete with the required clichés of "difficult decision" and "responsibility to tell the story,"…

By:Bethany Morris
Posted: 4/20/07

n In reaction to the Virginia Tech shootings, different advocacy groups are focusing on gun control and security as issues that should be addressed after this latest tragedy. While these are valid points,…

By: Don Lucas
Posted: 4/30/07

Two weeks ago, I was shocked once again when a maniac took so many innocent lives at Virginia Tech. I focused on the many news events that followed this tragedy in my home state.

I reflected on the campus, wrapped…

By: Clarissa Nemeth
Posted: 4/18/07

To me, a college campus is one of the best places to be on earth. A university represents a lot of great things: youth and promise, for starters. A sense of community. A devotion to a life of the mind. Personal…

By:Daniel Ross
Posted: 4/24/07

"The Changing Gun Debate," an article written by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in response to the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech, can be found in the April 30 issue of Newsweek. I applaud his insight and…

By:Kyle Cheney
Posted: 4/19/07

Adan Berkowitz's disdain for the very media that gives him a voice is an alarmingly narrow-minded generalization. ("A campus in grief distracted by media attack," April 18, p. 9). While sensationalism is all too…

By: Natalie Orphanos
Posted: 4/20/07

In light of recent events, I am very disappointed in the administration's lack of a response to its students. Boston University prides itself on being a close-knit community despite its large size, a…

I am writing with some reactions I had to three pieces in the New University of April 30, namely Anam Siddiq's front-page article on UC Irvine's vigil for the Virginia Tech community members who died on April 16, their families, and the…

I was appalled by the commentary titled "VT Killer Needs Closer Look" (April 23) that sought to explain Cho Seung-Hui's motives in the Virginia Tech massacre. Overall, I got the sense that the article was trying to pin the blame of the Virginia…


To the Editor:
I agree with Mara Richard ("Triumph Over Tragedy," April 19) that sexual assault occurs far too often to be tolerated. Richard proposes that Americans "start asking how we can create a culture where women…


Students Abroad Need Answers and Assurance, Not Silence

To the Editor:
We are two Columbia College students, currently studying abroad in Paris at Reid Hall. We just found out this afternoon, after a random discussion…

Aug. 28, 2007

The article "Students fight for guns on campus" by Claire St. Amant was amazing. I feel she showed the views of both sides without offending either.

With that said, I noticed the editorial "Gun groups gone wrong."


Aug. 28, 2007
The article "Students fight for guns on campus" by Claire St. Amant was amazing. I feel she showed the views of both sides without offending either.

With that said, I noticed the editorial "Gun groups gone wrong."


April, 2007

Dear Virginia Tech community,

Feeling that we truly are brothers and sisters to all of you, please know that our prayers are constantly with you as is our great sympathy.

The very difficult time you are going through is hard…

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 18:56:43 -0500
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Letter from President Steger on Northern Illinois University

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff

As I…

Today was by far the most trying day I've experienced in my life. On April 16, 2007 33 people were killed, with 15 more wounded on the Virginia Tech Campus. I know that this is likely not new information, but I repeat it just to add strength to…
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