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Visitors at the War Memorial on the evening of April 21.

Photo Courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

Flowers and mementos at West Ambler Johnston Hall. Photo taken April 22.

Photo Courtesy of Ivan V. Morozov

BYU Vigil.jpg
Being a student myself on a campus that is similar in size to the one of Virginia Tech, I have thought a lot about what happened there this Monday. I know that it could just as easily have happened at BYU, and I feel the pain of all those who were…

by J Lee | April 19, 2007

When I was growing up in the 80s, it often seemed that the world was holding its breath, keeping its fingers crossed to prevent some sort of nuclear disaster. The apocalypse that I imagined then had to do with the world…

Apr. 18th, 2007 at 12:02 AM

Virginia is, if memory serves, one of the states that had a particularly malevolently horrible 2004 national election, one marked by substantial Republican chicanery and vicious suppression of the minority vote, so the…

By now the subject of Virginia Tech has been much publicized and probably hackneyed. We talk about lax gun control laws, wasted lives, disturbed young men and how we wish things like these would never happen again. In my previous entry[link], I…

Justify it as you like, I cannot think of Cho Seung-Hui as anything other than a murderer. A lot has already been said about the subject, so apart from the links to his plays here[link], I won't be saying much.

The content of his plays being…

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Employees at the Virginia Department of Transportation preparing for a moment of silence. VT Graduate Mike Branham speaking.

This is a panoramic picture taken the day of the Community Vigil/Picnic on the Drill Field just after the vendors had setup and food was served. Chief Wendell Flinchum is in the foreground with his back turned and was met enthusiastically by the…

By: Jack Myers / Jack Myers Think Tank (Blog)

May 07, 2007

The more I think and talk to people about NBC's handling of Cho Seung-Hui's videos following the tragedy at Virginia Tech, the more convinced I am the decision was mishandled…

April 20, 2007
By Jack Salisbury

The last two weeks have been rough on the world of sports. Meat-headed Don Imus, thinking he was being clever and funny, showed us that race and racism is still a paramount issue in today's America with his…

University will focus on solving issues involving wages, safety through transition to Gene Block

By Jackie Barber
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Acting Chancellor Norman Abrams addressed myriad staff concerns such as Chancellor-elect Gene Block,…

April 20, 2007
Opinion article
By Jackie Bernstein

It's time for a game of Funny/Not Funny. First: A joke overheard in the CoHo on Monday referencing the Virginia Tech massacre. Not Funny. No one laughed, and someone said, "Too soon, too…

By Jacob Lutz

BLACKSBURG, Va., September 23, 2007 -- Following the release of the Report of the Virginia Tech Review Panel on August 30, 2007 and three separate internal review reports, Virginia Tech President Charles Steger and senior…

April 16, 2007.doc
This became my final exam for one of my classes. It had a word count but I did not follow it. I wrote this in one sitting, without going back or revising- it just flowed out because it had to. The reason I choose to attach the document file…

It's scary really, when you're truly thankful for your life and the well being of the ones you love every single day, yet you still slip up and take all of that for granted for just one second. It happens to all of us; sometimes we just get…


By: Jake Meador / Freshman English major
Posted: 4/25/07
The heroes of the Protestant Reformation had an old saying that man is simultaneously both saint and sinner, and the truth of this statement is impossible to argue. In the 20th century alone…

Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 22:00:00 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Security Update

August 16, 2007

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

With the return to school and the beginning of the new academic year, I know…

Observer Viewpoint
Issue date: 4/19/07 Section: Viewpoint

Anyone old enough to speak coherently at the time still remembers the moment, over forty years ago, when they heard about JFK's assassination. Our grandparents can tell us how they…

Posted: 4/26/07


In the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, we have the opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of the students affected by this tragedy. Eve Carson made the suggestion to find someone at Virginia Tech to…
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