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Although many miles away, we at California Polytechnic State University feel the pain and sorrow for all of our fellow peers at Virginia Tech.

Our thoughts and prayers were for you and your families during this candlelight vigil held on 18 April…

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Although many miles away, we at California Polytechnic State University feel the pain and sorrow for all of our fellow peers at Virginia Tech.

Our thoughts and well-wishes were being added to a poster that we hope you will accept. This humble…

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Although many miles away, we at California Polytechnic State University feel the pain and sorrow for all of our fellow peers at Virginia Tech.

Our thoughts and prayers were for you and your families during this candlelight vigil held on 18 April…

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We here in Virginia at William & Mary, we felt a shock wave go thought out our campus on Monday . Many of our students went to high school with the victims, but just being in the same kind of environment made us feel vulnerable and…

Arizona State University students gather for a candelight vigil to honor and remember the students affected by the Virginia Tech tragedy.

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Photo courtesy of Bettina Hansen

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Last night, a vigil was held at Mason for those lost in the terrible tragedy on Monday at Virginia Tech.

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Photo Courtesy of Nicolas Tan

One of the 33 Hokie Stone memorials on VT's drill-field

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Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

All eight placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech now displayed in Squires Student Center

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Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

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One of eight large placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech.

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Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

Students at University of New Hampshire gather after a vigil to sign a banner which will be sent to Virginia Tech.

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Photo Courtesy of Zac Lowel

A Candlelight vigil held for the victims of the Virginia Tech killings. University of Central Florida students gathered at the reflection pond to show their respects to the dearly departed.

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A Candlelight vigil held for the victims of the Virginia Tech killings. University of Central Florida students gathered at the reflection pond to show their respects to the dearly departed.

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Students from the law school at Texas Tech University sent a signed message board to Virginia Tech to express their support and condolences.

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Licensed under Creative Commons…

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Flowers are laid at the War Memorial Chapel to mourn the victims.

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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 2.0

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Items are laid outside of Norris Hall in remembrance.

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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 2.0

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There are always a trio of TVs running next to the information desk in Squires, tuned to three different news channels. All three were reporting on Virginia Tech.

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I grew up in Blacksburg. My dad is a Va. Tech alum. Although i have not lived there for years I still consider Blacksburg my hometown. I am stunned by today's tragedy. Simply stunned.

My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their…


UC San Diego students attend a somber vigil to express their concern for the Virginia Tech community.

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Photo Courtesy of Hydie Cheung

We are all Hokies today. Our prayers are with you, Virginia Tech. RIP.

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Photo Courtesy of Hydie Cheung

UC San Diego students attend a somber vigil to express their concern for the Virginia Tech community.

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Photo Courtesy of Hydie Cheung
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