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By: Lisa Davis
Posted: 4/27/07
Increasing communication in case of an emergency within the Boston University community will be a top priority for the BU Police Department for the next few months, officials said last night at a town hall meeting in…

Emergency notification system a main goal

By: Lisa Davis
Posted: 5/2/07

After Boston University felt the impact of several tragedies that brought into question the level of campus safety, officials say they will continue to review their safety…

President announces plans to improve system

By: Lisa Davis
Posted: 5/18/07

Boston University will be prepared to contact almost all students and staff in emergencies this fall with a mass communications system that uses text messaging,…

Penn State Game II.jpg
Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Penn State Blue & White football game. What an experience to be blessed with after this terrible week's happenings. It was truly inspiring to see the support for Virginia Tech. Everywhere I looked,…

Penn State Game.jpg
Today, I had the opportunity to attend the Penn State Blue & White football game. What an experience to be blessed with after this terrible week's happenings. It was truly inspiring to see the support for Virginia Tech. Everywhere I looked,…

Lindsey Wagner, Cavalier Daily Life Editor

In the wake of yesterday's tragedy, many University students felt unable to help their peers at Virginia Tech. Within seven hours of the shootings, however, plans were under way for programs to reach…

Lindsey Wagner, Cavalier Daily Life Editor

University students dug through their closets to find anything maroon and orange -- two colors all Hoos had previously tried to avoid -- to demonstrate their support of Virginia Tech at the vigil held…

These lights were placed on campus above the commuter lot.

These flags flew at half-staff in front of the Metropolition Art Museum in New York City the weekend after the shootings at Virginia Tech, showing national solidarity and support for the University.

With both state and national flags flying at half-staff, the memorial balloons are released into the heavens.

Feeling guilty for sharing the Virginia Tech gunman's ethnicity will do more harm than good

By Lina Chung
Friday, April 20, 2007

After Monday's Virginia Tech tragedy, shock reverberated among the Korean American community - the…

Cross at the memorial for the victims. Taken April 21, 2007.

Taken April 21, 2007. Virginia Tech memorial on the Drill Field.

Taken April 21, 2007. Virginia Tech memorial on the Drill Field.

The media need our help to shift their focus from murderers and violence to the compassionate healing journeys of victims' families:

After the Virginia Tech tragedy, the president of the American Psychiatric Association, Pedro Ruiz, wrote an…

Photo by: Leigh Alvarez

Approximately 500 candles were handed out to attendees.

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Photo by: Leigh Alvarez

First-year psychobiology student John Seo (Left) and first-year undeclared student Jenny Lee (next) listen to student speakers sharing their thoughts during the vigil.

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Photo by: Leigh Alvarez

Reider Larsen, a first-year undeclared student, signs a quilt Thursday night that will be sent to Virginia Tech. An alumna of Virginia Tech attended the vigil to thank UCLA.

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Advocating presence of more guns will not prevent another Virginia Tech
By: Leigh A. Needleman and Andrew Freshman
Posted: 4/24/07

Like so many of the other members of the Davis community, since I first heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech…

Although I have not finished with music that I feel is worthy yet, I wanted to share the words with our VT families. My prayers are with all of the families. Lee Stephens - Christiansburg

Deep Blue Ridge Rain

Deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains,…
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