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By Guo Qiang (
Updated: 2007-04-18 15:27

The world was shaken by the news that a 23-year-old South Korean killed 32 students at Virginia Tech in the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.

The bloody massacre began at…

Posted: 4/23/07

The intricacies of the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech are proving to be very enduring media fodder, with NBC lapping up Cho's media package and the investigations probing deeper and deeper into…

By: Karl Spaulding
Posted: 5/7/07
When Florida liberalized its restrictive and disjointed system of concealed carry laws in 1987, many states followed suit. In each case, naysayers predicted everything from "blood in the streets" to "parking lot…


The Lancet

Available online 26 April 2007.

The blood had not yet dried in the lecture rooms of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, before polarised camps claimed that the slaughter of 32 students and teachers vindicated their…

The following is a short piece by myself, published in the Irish Sunday Business Post.


Gun-control debate rages on
22 April 2007
By Nicholas…

April 18, 2007

I apologize in advance for the tone of this piece. I thoroughly appreciate the devastating gravity of the situation, and I extend my heartfelt condolences to those families and friends affected.

Blacksburg, Virginia.

Less than…

by S L Kim | April 17, 2007

1. Race Shame

As soon as I saw the shooter's name--Cho Seung-Hui--in the NYT this morning, I knew he was Korean. Crap. Ever since I got home last night after teaching, and my husband told me about the deadly…

Memorial stone of Matthew Gregory Gwaltney on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

Publicado por Hugo A Valecillos
Martes 17 de Julio del 2007, 00:01:32

Con mucho respeto y mucho dolor basado en la masacre de Virginia Tech

La pirámide del hogar
Piezas que suben
Piezas que bajan
En el seno de un gran…


Haiyan Cheng,who experienced the shooting on April 16, is talking with the Chinese journalists.

Haiyan Cheng,who experienced the shooting with her students in the Norris Hall on April 16 was talking with the journalist.

Original Source:

Hi, all:

Thank you all for your concern, I'm safe. Here's what was happened to me yesterday. I'm so proud of all my students, please pray for our community to recover from this huge lost and sorrow!

Take care all!


The American flag at half mast in honor of the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings. (Uncredited photo)

Memorial stone of Caitlin Millar Hammaren memorial on 4/16/08.

Photo by Brian Sewell.


Original Source:

This letter was sent by a Florida inmate along with a handkerchief with hand-drawn doves and the victims' names on it.

Handmade memorials were placed on one of the corners of the drillfield.

These caricatures were done the week of April 16, 2007 by a woman who wanted to show each victim with a smile.

Yankee bullpen coach Mike Harkey next to a VT memorial balloon on March 18, 2008.

Photo by Roger Gupta.


Original Source:

Healing Hands.jpg
Several individuals were willing to express their love and hope for healing.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Roger Gupta

By Elise Ma
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Since last week's shootings at Virginia Tech, officials at UCLA's Student Psychological Services have received many more calls than usual from people reporting concerns about other students.

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