Browse Items (1884 total)

Cho attended Northern Va. high school, peers describe him as 'loner'

Maria Tchijov and Thomas Madrecki, Cavalier Daily Senior Writers

BLACKSBURG, Va. -- Police identified Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old Virginia Tech student, as the gunman…

Community tries to come to terms with horrific attack

Maria Tchijov, Cavalier Daily Life Editor

BLACKSBURG, Va.-- In a day filled with a constant barrage of media images of the shooter who took the lives of at least three of her friends and 29…

Actividades en honor a los fallecidos marcan el regreso a virginia tech

Publicado por María Luisa Azpiazu

Washington, D.C — Mucho dolor, impresionantes minutos de silencio y 32 campanadas en memoria de las víctimas de…

Publicado por Manuel Dávila Galindo Olivares
lunes, abril 16, 2007

En honor a lo ominoso

Hoy vemos en el mundo el reflejo de lo que somos. Han muerto más estudiantes que caminaban por los pasillos de su escuela a manos de otros estudiantes…


Manny Frishberg • JTNews Correspondent

On the morning of April 16, Dr. Liviu Librescu, a 76-year-old Holocaust survivor and aeronautical engineering professor, blocked the door of his classroom in Norris Hall at Virginia Tech so that…

A participant in Monday night's vigil ceremony, sporting a Virginia Tech hat, signs a giant card in Collis Cafe. It will be sent to the university Wednesday.

Photo: Maggie Goldstein/The Dartmouth Staff

Reprinted with the permission of The…

Second Life.jpg
Second Life Memorial to the slain at Virginia Tech.

Original source:

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-ShareAlike 2.0

Apr 23 2007

Written by Lynn Kindler

To all family, friends, and people affected by the horrific and sad shootings at Virginia Tech, please accept my heartfelt sympathy. I know that I am joined by many others who are keeping you in their…

By Lynn Davis

BLACKSBURG, Va., November 14, 2007 -- A "Hokies Thank The World" event will take place Saturday, Nov. 17, from 10:35 to 11:12 a.m. at the Virginia Tech Drillfield in Blacksburg., rain or shine.

The event will bring together…

Stones in front of Burruss.jpg
Memorial Stones in front of Burruss during the first week after the tragedy.

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Vacation 160a.jpg
Outside of Charlotte, NC, a billboard stands with the VT ribbon/logo.

Photo Courtesy of Lynita Newswander

LUV CNU - Children of April.mp3
LUV CNU was formed in April of this year especially to record the song "Children of April", which is a tribute to the victims lost at Virginia Tech on 4/16/07. Based at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, where three of the vocalists go,…

Creado por Luis Guerrero Ortiz
Lima, 22 de Abril de 2007 3:00 PM

Los hechos son por todos conocidos. Cho Seung-Hui, un estudiante sudcoreano de 23 años, entró el lunes 16 de abril en los dormitorios de la Universidad Virginia Tech, en Estados…

May 1, 2007 4:51 pm

An article from a new contributor:
Loren Bliss

THERE ARE TWO EXCEPTIONALLY grave dangers to American liberty arising from the present, post-Virginia-Tech forcible-disarmament frenzy. These are:

(1)-The criminalization of…

By Liz Vargo The Record Herald
Published: Monday, May 21, 2007 10:08 AM CDT

GREENCASTLE - When Greencastle-Antrim High School sophomore Kristin Reihart saw the massacre unfold at Virginia Tech in April, a chilling realization hit her - it could…

I woke up today

This mirror doesn't reflect me
No one that I know of
Has time passed so quickly?
Did you give the final shove?

Save us from evil
Save us from evil

Is this what I've become?
A heart left untouched
My wounds have…

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May 14, 2007
By Lisette Rimer

Dear Dr. Hennessy,

Thank you for your op-ed piece May 4th on preventing future tragedies such as Virginia Tech. It was forwarded to me byone of your students who suffered the loss of a friend, my son Patrick Wood.…

My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those lost in this tragedy. Words are not enough to heal wounds or to make up for the great losses of these beautiful lives. As I watched this story unfold on the news, I couldn't get…

By Lisa Kunkel
Statesman Staff Reporter

Horrific school shootings such as the Virginia Tech massacre leave people wondering what can possibly drive an individual to such extreme measures.

Seung-Hui Cho took the lives of 33 people including…

By Lisa Guerriero/
GateHouse Media
Fri Apr 20, 2007, 04:30 PM EDT

SALEM - The flags at Salem State College flew at half-mast for three days this week in a show of solidarity for the 32 victims of the tragic shooting at Virginia…
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