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My heart goes out to all of the victims who were affected by this senseless tragedy. I don't have a story to share; just my thoughts and hopes that we can begin to heal. This day will be etched into my memory for as long as I can live. I will…

The violence on the campus at Virginia Tech draws attention to the emergency procedures and prevention tactics at the University

Matt Dickey and Catherine Conkle, Cavalier Daily Associate Editors

Days after students at Virginia Tech struggled…

17 April 2007

The talking heads keep talking about the "VT Massacre", not that it doesn't deserve attention, but this is too much attention. And VT is getting a bad wrap unfairly on one specific point: the notification of students on campus as…

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During the winter break, Career Services displayed a "Remembrance Tree" for the victims of April 16. A ribbon with each persons photo and name was placed on the tree. The tree was decorated in orange and maroon with white lights.

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I was very touched by a note written by a child that was left at West AJ.

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After being advised to stay away from windows and such on April 16, many of the Career Services staff and students who were in our building at the time gathered together in an interior room (our staff lounge). As things were unfolding on campus…

As Tulane officials rethink security policies, some Tulane students express personal grief over Monday's events
By: Marta Dehmlow
Posted: 4/20/07

Students at Virginia Tech and all over the nation will remember April 16 as a day that…

Publicado por markapazos - Un punto de encuentro.

In Memory of the lives that were lost in this senseless tragedy Our hearts go out to the fallen and the injured. Our prayers are with the family and friends of the victims.

I want to share with…


Mark Washenberger - May 8, 2007 - 8:19am

It's Memorial Day and I'm in the office, so of course I'm looking for ways to procrastinate. New post time!

After the VT tragedy, a local church put up 32 (by my count) flag poles in…

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A panoramic made of photos I shot from my seat in the South Endzone stands. These were taken just before the Dave Matthews set began.

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I snapped a very quick set of photos of these signs for a panoramic after ESPN Gameday ended just before the first game of the season on September 1, 2007.

Hokies United made these signs to be held up during the show thanking other schools for…

Shot from the South Stands during the Dave Matthews Set

Consolation during the August 19th memorial dedication

Wednesday April 18 2007

By Mark Tran / USA 04:39pm

Like others around the world, South Koreans have reacted with horror to the killings at Virginia Tech university, but they are also nervous about a possible backlash against the large Korean…

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Flag at half-staff over Disneyland. No dreams came true that day.

This photo was taken near the War Memorial chapel in commemoration of the tragedy.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

Two individuals pray in front of the main memorial site on the drill field.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

Two individual look upon Norris Hall where the shootings occurred.

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Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

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The crime scene near Norris Hall is filled with a police presence.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

CNN's anchor Wolf Blitzer reports from campus.

Original source:

Photo Courtesy of Mark Ritchie

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