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Shooting sparks national debate

By: Eric Johnson, Senior Writer
Posted: 5/24/07

Congress is wading into the turbulent debate about campus safety in the aftermath of last month's shootings at Virginia Tech and is considering possible…

Posted: 4/26/07


In the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, we have the opportunity to reach out and touch the lives of the students affected by this tragedy. Eve Carson made the suggestion to find someone at Virginia Tech to…

By: Kellen Moore, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/25/07

With last week's Virginia Tech shootings still fresh in the minds of many, UNC officials are looking to evaluate residence hall safety as one area of emphasis.

With about 7,700 students living…

By: Alexander Trowbridge, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/25/07

The shooting at Virginia Tech last week put the gun control issue back in the national public forum.

While Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine dismissed taking political advantage of the incident as…

Some students able to forgive

By: Erin France, State & National Editor
Posted: 4/24/07

BLACKSBURG, Va. - The first day back to class for Virginia Tech students began with a morning ceremony honoring the 32 students and faculty killed by senior…

More gun control doesn't infringe on right to bear arms

By: Editorial Board
Posted: 4/23/07

It took little time for the journalists and political pundits to start talking gun control.

This editorial is not just about last week's…

Few mention Va. Tech during Sunday sermons

By: Allison Nichols, Assistant State & National Editor
Posted: 4/23/07

The Rev. Ruth Stevens, whose son graduated from Virginia Tech in 2004, was one of few ministers of Franklin Street churches to…

New leader reaching out to Va. Tech

By: Meghan E. Woods, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/23/07

Not even three weeks into her term, Student Body President Eve Carson has found herself trying to console both the UNC and Virginia Tech campuses.


By: Amanda Younger, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/23/07

Ardent UNC men's basketball fans stood aghast at a January defeat at the hands of Virginia Tech, cringing at the sight of any reminder of their Virginian foes.

But for one day, students…

Will examine campus security

By: David Reynolds, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/20/07

In the aftermath of the Virginia Tech tragedy, school systems across the country are discussing new security measures to ensure that such a harrowing event never…

Monday, April 23, 2007

I am offended and embarrassed by the editorial cartoon featured on April 18 concerning the shootings at Virginia Tech.

It is insulting and irresponsible to poke fun at such a tragic event that has affected college…

Text messages can notify police

By: Katy Doll, Staff Writer
Posted: 4/20/07

UNC officials are implementing a phone system that alerts campus police when students are in danger.

Beginning this fall, the University will offer the Rave…

Anyone who is not living an incredibly secluded life (if you are, can I join you there?) has probably heard about the tragedy at Virginia Tech. where a gunman killed some 33 people, including himself. I've struggled whether to weigh in on this or…

The fact that God repeats those words - with every hardship comes ease - is a much needed emphasis for those suffering, just in case they miss it the first time.

By Tarik Trad, April 17, 2007

All day long, I had this sinking feeling in my…

Posted April 17th, 2007 - 15:39PM by Steve Fox

Well, it didn't take long. One of my students at the University of Maryland has a brother who attends Virginia Tech and lost two friends yesterday. She started to break down as she told me she…


Posted: Jun 25, 08:50 AM EDT

PALMYRA — "What can I do to help?"

That was the question on many local lips following the death of Mary Karen Read in the shooting massacre at Virginia Tech University on April…

GateHouse Media
Tue Apr 24, 2007, 10:41 AM CDT


A tragedy the magnitude of last week's mass murder in Blacksburg, Va., prompt most of us to ask serious questions. What compelled a student to kill 32 people on the Virginia…

By Ryan Bray
GateHouse Media
Thu May 03, 2007, 02:22 PM EDT

Scituate - In the two weeks since the Virginia Tech shootings swept through the college town of Blacksburg, Va., people nationwide are still struggling to grasp and adjust to the tragic…

Messenger Post Columnist
Posted: Apr 23, 01:00 PM EDT

What a difference a weekend makes.

Last Friday, the big story was brand new man of leisure Don Imus, who was ousted from his nationally syndicated radio program after…

By Messenger Post and wire reports
Posted: Apr 18, 01:00 PM EDT

On a campus proud of its unity, the gunman's anger and detachment alarmed those around him.

While parents of a 2004 Irondequoit High School graduate learned their son escaped…
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