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On a sunny warm morning on September 17, 1996, a young woman with a long history of mental health problems walked onto the Penn State campus, sat down under a tree on one of the most popular lawns on campus, took a…

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On April 24,several tribute posters for the VT community were placed around the Graduate Life Center.

A large tree on the Virginia Tech campus has a simple orange ribbon tied around it.

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Photo Courtesy of Kristina Cummins

William and Mary.jpg
We here in Virginia at William & Mary, we felt a shock wave go thought out our campus on Monday . Many of our students went to high school with the victims, but just being in the same kind of environment made us feel vulnerable and…

Wednesday, April 18. 2007

The blog has not been on my mind these past few days. My son is a senior at Virginia Tech. He's OK. We have spent most of the past two days staying in touch with him and answering phone calls and emails from friends…

VT Today we are all Hokies cartoon.jpg
"Schools across Virginia and around the nation are supporting Virginia Tech during this difficult time. I only wish I could include them all in this illustration. My hope is that this illustration will indicate that, no matter what school we attend,…

This is a piece written by Gerard Toal, the NOVA-based Virginia Tech Professor. It was published in the Irish Times 28/04/07.

The Irish Times
Author: Gerard Toal
Title: Sensible gun laws only way to secure a safe future for US…

Por Thomas Sowell
28 de abril de 2007

¿Cuándo ha abierto fuego un asesino múltiple contra una reunión de la Asociación Nacional del Rifle o contra un grupo de cazadores? Alguien decía recientemente que masacres como las de Virginia Tech o…

The media are once again turning into the public's whipping boys

By: The Daily Campus Ed Board
Posted: 4/20/07

The nation is still focused on Blacksburg, Va. as all Americans honor the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings.

But as the…

Virginia's Governor Tim Kaine addresses Convocation.

Ticket for the Yankees vs. Hokies exhibition game at Virginia Tech on March 18, 2008.

Photo by Tarish Smith.


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May 1, 2007 4:51 pm

An article from a new contributor:
Loren Bliss

THERE ARE TWO EXCEPTIONALLY grave dangers to American liberty arising from the present, post-Virginia-Tech forcible-disarmament frenzy. These are:

(1)-The criminalization of…

By: Mark Norris, Editor In Chief,
Posted: 4/25/07
A message scrawled on the back of a desk chair by an unknown person has prompted an investigation by SMU Police. The note says "I'm going to shoot up SMU on 8-06-07."


posted 5.01.07

Otto Wahl, Ph.D., University of Hartford

The tragic death of 33 students at Virginia Tech has shocked and saddened us all. Given the mental health aspects of the situation, it is not surprising that there has been much in the…

I'd been thinking about starting this blog up again for a few weeks now. I didn't think I'd have something so tragic to write about.

Probably it goes without saying that my thoughts and best wishes go out to the students, faculty, and…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

College is supposed to be an overall positive experience. You're finally getting to sort everything out in terms of what you want to do in life, where you're headed and learning and growing as a young adult while…

By: The Daily Campus Ed Board
Posted: 4/17/07

The worst recorded shooting spree in American history occurred on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va., yesterday. Thirty-three people were murdered, dozens suffered injuries and the entire…

Gene Koo - Thursday, April 19th, 2007 @ 5:52 pm

Soon after an initial outpouring of shock and grief at the senseless murder of 32 members of the Virginia Tech community, we began seeking explanations for the tragedy. By all accounts Seung-Hui Cho,…

From the Editor

May/June 2007
by Kathrin Day Lassila '81

The tragedy of Virginia Tech is partly a tragedy of bureaucracy.

I don't mean the sort of complaint people usually make about bureaucracy -- too much paperwork and red tape. I…

April 21st, 2007

Cho seung-hui, the Rutgers University women's basketball team, the students and Virginia Tech all form a tangled thicket nourished by the American media, overgrown with too many words, too many pictures and too many answers to…
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