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I attended the vigil for Virginia Tech Tuesday night, and it was extremely touching. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by Monday's shooting.

It is times like this when we ask ourselves how someone could…

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Published Friday, February 15, 2008

Springfield-area colleges have systems in place to alert students to campus emergencies, and most procedures have been updated or were instituted originally in the wake of campus…

By Chris Green
Posted Apr 16, 2008 @ 11:00 PM
Last update Apr 17, 2008 @ 07:38 AM


Northern Illinois University senior Sonia Salazar said Virginia Tech students put their feelings of sorrow on hold to help the students…

By:Chris Lyons
Posted: 4/19/07

Originally, I was planning on writing a column about the debauchery that is Marathon Monday. As one of the biggest days here at our school, it only seemed right to dedicate an entire column taking a look at the day…

The university community gathered in remembrance of the violence at Virginia Polytechnical University in a candle vigil last Thursday.

Faculty, staff and students from Hamline's various colleges were all present. Over 120 people were in…

By: Chris Rosacker
Posted: 4/24/07
In light of the Virginia Tech shootings, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's 1992 failed campus shooting and Friday's bomb scare at UNL's Othmer Hall, some people are calling for a re-evaluation of…

By: Chris Rosacker
Posted: 4/18/07
Students will gather tonight in remembrance of the school shooting that shocked the nation on Monday.

A candlelight vigil will be held tonight at 8:30 p.m. at the Nebraska Union Plaza to honor the victims and…

One of the 33 Hokie Stone memorials on VT's drill-field

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Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

All eight placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech now displayed in Squires Student Center

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Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

UVA II.jpg
One of eight large placards sent by UVA Students in support of Virginia Tech.

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Photo Courtesy of Chris Thomas

Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section
Christian Alexandersen, Senior Staff Writer

As I write this column, I, like most people in the world, am in disbelief of the terrible shootings that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus that…

ERD provides a $20,000 grant for counseling

By Christie M. Wills

They're calling it a "Hokie Cry."

It's described as a wave of emotion that washes over people in the Virginia Tech community, sometimes out of the blue, sometimes when…

Media Credit: Christina Parrish

Members of the SMU community came together for a prayer service for those who were lost in Monday's Virginia Tech massacre. The service was to be held outside at the Flagpole but was moved inside due to…

Arms Control Begins at Home

April 29, 2007 at 3:28 pm · Filed under Virginia Tech, compassion, meditation, violence

I need to be hit with a ton of bricks for a message to sink in. For a long time I've spoken about gun control, nuclear…

Prior to the 2007 Virginia Tech football season opener, 32 balloons are released as part of a ceremony commemorating the victims of the April 16 tragedy.


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Orange and maroon balloons released at a Hokies United drillfield memorial service on the morning of Monday, April 23, 2007.


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Licensed under Creative Commons…

Photo taken April 18, 2007.


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Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic.

By:Christopher Rodgers
Posted: 4/19/07

Guns, when put in the right hands, can be a good thing

This mass murder at Virginia Tech is a perfect example of how important an armed populace can be. Before you fly off the cuff, I am not promoting…

By Claire Readhead
Apr 30 2007

The paradox of mental health services, generally, hovers around the issue of consent. Most mental health services require voluntary participation from the patient, except in extreme cases. Thus, the question…

April 24, 2007

Staff writer
In the wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy, questions of "why" are rivaled only by those of "what if."

What if counseling centers where Cho Seung-Hui was referred could've done more? What if…
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