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Prior to Virginia Tech's candelight vigil for NIU, an attendee signs a message board on display along alumni mall. Photo taken Monday, February 18, 2008.

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Issue Date:Wednesday April 18, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section
By Jon Offredo, Staff Writer

What if it happened here?

Would West Virginia University be prepared for a horrific incident such as the tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech…

Issue Date:Friday April 20, 2007
Section: Sports Section
Patrick Southern, Sports Writer

Sometimes it takes a life-changing event to shake you to your very core and remind you what really matters.

For the countless people who are suffering…

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Issue Date:Friday August 31, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

West Virginia University, like many colleges around the country, has been dealing with a ripple effect of concern from faculty, students and parents alike in regards to the shooting…

Issue Date:Monday October 15, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

Six months after the tragedy at Virginia Tech, West Virginia University and others institutions across the country have taken positive steps to reevaluate their security approaches,…

Issue Date:Thursday April 19, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section
By Tricia Fulks, Staff Writer

There was an overwhelming turnout at Wednesday night's vigil in Woodburn Circle for those lost in Monday's tragedy at Virginia…

Issue Date:Wednesday April 18, 2007
Section: State & Local Section

The Student Government Association is hosting a candlelight vigil tonight to mourn the April 16 tragedy at Virginia Tech.

Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech began at a…

ssue Date:Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

By Monday afternoon, the nation was shocked by the tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech.

At least 32 people were killed and more than 20 were left wounded in the nation's…

By David Xia

Approximately 300 students, faculty, and administrators gathered together at the sundial last night for a candlelight vigil held in memory of the 32 victims of the Virginia Tech shootings.


Issue Date:Thursday April 26, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section
Angela Moscaritolo, Staff Writer

Three West Virginia University journalism students are putting together a memorial Web site for Virginia Tech.

Stephen Matthews, Missy Brown…

By Armin Rosen

It unfolded like a terrifying set-piece, and each new item of information seemed more trite and intuitive than the next: the killer had been a student. He had been a social outcast, homicidally contemptuous…

Issue Date:Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section
Ry Rivard, City Editor

By the end of the Monday it was obvious that the media had begun selling the day's horrors at Virginia Tech. No matter the gravity or magnitude of a…

Issue Date:Friday September 7, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section
By Kellen Henry, Staff Writer

Many students gathered for candlelight vigils and wore ribbons in support of Virginia Tech after the April 16 shooting. While most students did…

Issue Date:Wednesday April 18, 2007
Section: Editorial Section

There are still many questions left for the Blacksburg, Va., community as police and federal agents continue to investigate the gunman's trail.

But there is one startling…

Issue Date:Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Sports Section
By Tim Tassa, Sports Editor

Monday morning's events make sports seem so petty, so irrelevant.

Every year there are one or two tragedies of monumental proportion that unite…

Issue Date:Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: HeadLine News Section

In response to the shootings at Virginia Tech, West Virginia University President David Hardesty said Monday afternoon in a statement that the "campus police are alert to the…

Tuesday April 17, 2007
Section: Editorial Section
Christian Alexandersen, Senior Staff Writer

As I write this column, I, like most people in the world, am in disbelief of the terrible shootings that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus that…


On Monday morning, 32 students at Virginia Tech were killed and about 30 others injured by a shooting at the hands of a fellow student. This tragedy raises questions about the nature of events like this and what…


Beginning today and lasting at least through the end of the semester, students will no longer work as card-swipers at the front desks of on-campus residences and Lerner Hall.

The change, announced yesterday, came in…

By Evan Cohen

Eleven years ago, I played in a band that rehearsed in a basement downtown. On one side of the basement was an illegal two-bedroom apartment that the landlord slapped together with drywall. My friend Matt…
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