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Monday, April 16, 2007

It was a crisp, clear, bright autumn day, the kind of day you drink in with every essence of your being. I was sleepy, woken early by my parents for the drive from Nashville to Blacksburg. But I was excited. Not only were we…

Tuesday, April 17, 2007The Bill Muehlenberg Trophy: Debbie Schlussel and the Virginia Tech ShootingsJust when you think the wingnut Right can't possibly get more insane or logic-deprived than it already is, along comes Debbie Schlussel, writing…

Contribucion de Democracy Now
Miércoles 18 de Abril de 2007

Decenas de miles de personas lloran a las víctimas de tiroteo en universidad Virginia Tech

Decenas de miles de estudiantes, familiares y miembros del cuerpo docente se…

View of the intermediate memorial, color guard, and crowd during the dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007. Members of the Marching Virginians are visible at the front of the crowd. Spectators are also visible in the distance, on the top of the War…

The crowd on the drillfield begins to gather and grow prior to the dedication ceremony for the intermediate memorial. Photo taken August 19, 2007.

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A member of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets stands watch on August 19, 2007, the day of the memorial dedication.

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Friends and family of April 16 victims wait with hokie stones in hand at the memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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A cadet carries a piece of one of the victim's hokie stones back to the seating area while spectators look on. Photo taken at the intermediate memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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An unidentified participant in the August 19, 2007 memorial dedication ceremony carried a piece of one of the victim's hokie stones back to the seating area.

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David McKee, Director of The Marching Virginians, speaks with reporters at the
memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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Media coverage of the memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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A Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets color guard at the memorial dedication ceremony
on August 19, 2007.

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A Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets color guard stands watch at the memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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Vice President for Alumni Relations Tom Tillar (left) and an unidentified participant (holding a piece of one of the victim's Hokie Stones) at the dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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The Marching Virginians perform at the memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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Students carrying chairs at the memorial dedication ceremony on August 19, 2007.

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British Columbia.jpg
Display in our Student Union Building at The University of British Columbia.

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Harold X. O'Boyle / The Extremist (Blog)

May 03, 2007

Mass murder invariably gets the Victim Disarmament Lobby into a lather promoting safety through helplessness. The Virginia Tech shooting is no exception. A brief but honest look at how…


Bei dem Massaker an der Universität in Blacksburg im Bundesstaat Virginia sind noch viele Fragen offen - unter anderem das Motiv des Amokläufers

WASHINGTON taz Fast wirkte es gespenstisch, wie routiniert die US-amerikanische…

Apr 23 2007

Written by Lynn Kindler

To all family, friends, and people affected by the horrific and sad shootings at Virginia Tech, please accept my heartfelt sympathy. I know that I am joined by many others who are keeping you in their…
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