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Remembrance Tree.JPG
During the winter break, Career Services displayed a "Remembrance Tree" for the victims of April 16. A ribbon with each persons photo and name was placed on the tree. The tree was decorated in orange and maroon with white lights.

Press Release from Community Conversations Through The Arts

Community Group, HERE, continues artistic response to VT tragedy with Anniversary Event.

Ben Agger and Timothy W. Luke

Last Thursday, February 14th, 2008, Steven Kazmierczak reportedly shot and killed five students, and then turned a weapon on himself at Northern Illinois University. At least sixteen students were wounded in the…

Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 15:05:04 -0400
To: Multiple recipients
Subject: Preparing for Media on April 16

March 2008

To the Students, Faculty, and Staff of Virginia Tech

As you can imagine, there remains…

Archives & Social Studies: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
Vol. 2, no. 1 (March 2008) 253

The April 16 Archive: A Historiography in the Age of the New Media

Gooyong Kim


This paper examines how historiography has been…

(April 19, 2007)

32 stones like this - one for each of the deceased - are arranged in a semi-circle in front of the largest memorial, on the drillfield in front of Burruss Hall.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative…

(April 20, 2007)

The Burruss memorial continues to grow.
Even at 11 PM on a Friday night, there were many visitors.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
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(April 18, 2007) A student looks toward the side of Norris Hall.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

(April 19, 2007)

I thought this gentleman was just passing through, but I saw him circle the drillfield at least twice. War Memorial is in the background.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons…

(April 19, 2007)

Teddy bear on War Memorial column/statue.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

(April 19, 2007)

Teddy bear and wreath at War Memorial.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
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(April 18, 2007) Flowers in front of Norris Hall.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

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(April 18, 2007) Wreath at War Memorial.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
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(April 18, 2007) Candles on ledge of War Memorial; prayer circles on drillfield.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
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(April 18, 2007) Memorial on edge of drillfield; Torgersen Hall behind.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
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(April 18, 2007) Detail of VT memorial with striking juxtaposition.

Note George W. Bush signature toward top center and expression of sympathy from Iranian nation directly to the right.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under…

(April 18, 2007) Prayer circle on drillfield.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

(April 18, 2007) Two men kneel in silence in front of the largest memorial site on campus,
located on the drillfield directly in front of Burruss Hall and not far from Norris Hall.

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative…

(April 18, 2007) One of many inscriptions that have appeared on a series of memorial boards on the drillfield. Today I counted at least 32 of these 4 by 8 foot sheets, and they keep adding more as they get filled in.

Photo courtesy of Brent…

(April 18, 2007) Wreath at War Memorial

Photo courtesy of Brent Jesiek.

Licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
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