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A huge VT support poster was hung in the Squires Student Center. This poster was filled with fingerprints and moving messages.

Photo taken April 19,2007

VT flowers on the drillfield near the Burruss memorial. Photo taken Friday, April 20.

What started as a simple VT leaning by a tree became a major focal point of reflection. President Bush signed this VT and a shelter was placed around the VT and other memorabilia. Taken Saturday 21 April.

People volunteered to set up a stone marked with "VT" for other people to light candles.

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A home-made armband I made for Orange and Maroon Effect (April 20, 2007)

I took a picture of these flowers on the drillfield near the memorial.

32 Victims in a VT ver 1.doc
As a form of relief to help with the pain of this tragedy this file was created to remember those who were lost.

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