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Cross at the memorial for the victims. Taken April 21, 2007.

On April 19, people set up all kinds of memorials to mourn for the victims.

(April 20, 2007) Message of support on Cook's Clean Center sign. On Main Street, directly across from Alumni Mall campus entrance.

On April 24,several tribute posters for the VT community were placed around the Graduate Life Center.

Students of Virginia Tech encourage and comfort each other by writing the inspiring words.

April 19,2007 in the Squire Student Center

During a service in remembrance of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech, the Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus spoke about how his time at the university. informed his understanding of God. Andrus and his wife Sheila attended graduate school at the…

For the Hokies - ETSU event held in support of Virginia Tech

(Picture Caption)- Bernadette Cash and Sara Shaffer sign a sheet that will be made into a quilt during the ETSU gathering in memory of the victims at Virginia Tech. (Ron Campbell /…

Pictures of the victims in April 16 were posted in the Squire Student Center.

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